Program videos have been translated into Korean/한국어, Chinese/中文 and Tagalog languages to accommodate students, families and communities. Interested in becoming a host school? Click for More Info Student Celebration, 2022 Land Acknowledgement We acknowledge that our schools are situated upon ...
Tagalog or Pilipino language classes taught there. And Filipino American history is an afterthought, despite the role the U.S. played in the colonization of the country. In her recent essay in the Harvard Crimson, Wikstrom wrote about the part Harvard played in the Philippines. She went deep ...
My research into the narrative history of ‘The Girl without Hands’ altered my initial understanding of the fairy tale and resulted in several changes to the plot. The final draft of my novel contains a subplot that was not a part of my original idea. In order that Marina sustain her con...
In this interpretation, "take on me // take me on" next to one another would mean "take me up inside you/as part of yourself // take all the risks involved in being so close to me". What he means is, he wants her to let him back into her heart even though they both know it...