take over,bos'n接枪,水手长“Take Over,Bos’n!”接枪,水手长! Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’dsatmost of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If I had to shoot at such close quarters...
我没有回答。他是对的。一个人能醒多久?大概两个小时了,我都不敢闭上眼睛。很快我就打起瞌睡来,这时他们跳到剩下的一点水上。原文:“Take Over, Bos’n!”Oscar Schisgall Hour after hour 1 kept the gun pointed at the other ninemen. From the lifeboat‘s stern,where I ‘d sat...
Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall 1 Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If I had to shoot at such close quarters, I woul...
Take Over, Bos'n!When a hand shook my shoulder, I could hardly raise my head. Jeff Barrett’s hoarse voice said,“Here! Take your shareo’thewater!” Somehow I propped myself up on my arms, dizzy and weak. I looked at the men, and I thought my eyes were going. Their figures ...
Unit-12-“Take-Over--Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三.doc,Unit-12-“Take-Over--Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三 seventy-two hours. Very soon now I’d doze off, and the instant that happened they’d jump on the little water that was left. 4 The last canteen lay und
“Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall 1Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If I had to shoot at such close quarters, I wouldn’t miss...
“Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall 1Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If I had to shoot at such close quarters, I wouldn’t miss...
“Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall 1Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If I had to shoot at such close quarters, I wouldn’t miss...
“TakeOver,Bos’n!”1HourafterhourIkeptthegunpointedattheotherninemen.Fromthelifeboat‟sstern,whereI‟dsatmostofthetwentydaysofourdrifting,Icould ..
Unit 12 Unit 12 Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!”“Take Over, Bos’n!”“Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall Oscar Schisgall Oscar Schisgall 111HourHourHourafterafterafterhourhourhourIIIkeptkeptkeptthethethegungungunpointedpointedpointedatatatthethe...