Unit-12-“Take-Over--Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三这是我们在海上漂流的第二十一夜了就在这一夜偶然路过的货船格罗汤号终于搭救了我们但这会儿我扭头看到巴雷特时船还没有任何踪迹 Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!〞 Oscar Schisgall 1Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From...
Unit-12-“Take-Over--Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三.doc,Unit-12-“Take-Over--Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三 seventy-two hours. Very soon now I’d doze off, and the instant that happened they’d jump on the little water that was left. 4 The last canteen lay und
Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall 1 Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If I had to shoot at such close quarters, I woul...
Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall 1Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If...
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Unit--“Take-Over--Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三 ——— 作者: ——— 日期: Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall 1Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I coul...
Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三 下载积分:2500 内容提示: Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!” Oscar Schisgall 1 Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I coul...
1 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下―Unit12―TakeOver, Bos’n!‖课文翻译综合教程三‖资讯,希望对您有所帮助, 感谢您对92to的支持! Unit12 ―TakeOver,Bos’n!‖ OscarSchisgall 1HourafterhourIkeptthegunpointedattheothernine men.Fromthelifeboat‘sstern,whereI‘dsatmostofthe twentydaysofourdrifting,Ico...