“Take Over, Bos’n!”Section Two: Global ReadingRead aloudAudiovisual supplementsSection One:Pre-reading ActivitiesSection Five: Further EnhancementI. Read aloudRead the following passage aloud, making a pause between sensegroups.Envision an ideal place / to live or run a business, / a friendly...
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U12takeoverbosnit “Take Over, Bos’n!”1 Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If I had to shoot at such close quarters, I wouldn’t ...
Unit12 ."Take over,Bos' n!"课后答案 the nine men,.I was no longer a man or mean to them a gun that would shoot them if they drank the water. he was extremely thirsty, Barrett had lost his reason and was not able to drink any
1 Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!” --Oscar Schisgall 2 Contents Warm up Pre-reading questions Structure analysisSentence paraphrase Language points Exercises 3 Warm-up If you are going to live on a lonely island for one month and you are allowed to bring only three things with you, wh...
本文标题:Unit 12“Take over Bos' n!”综合教程三[青松专享] 链接地址:https://www.renrendoc.com/paper/161547444.html 网站客服侵权投诉 1:下载资料失败解决办法 2:不支持迅雷下载,请使用浏览器下载 3:不支持QQ浏览器下载,请用其他浏览器 4:下载后的文档和图纸-无水印 ...
内容提示: take over, bos' n 接枪, 水手长 “Take Over, Bos’ n! ” 接枪, 水手长! Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat s stern, lhere I d sat most of the tlentl dals of our drifting, I ‟‟could keep them all covered. If I ...
Unit12 ."Take over,Bos' n!" 课后答案
Take Over, Bos'n!When a hand shook my shoulder, I could hardly raise my head. Jeff Barrett’s hoarse voice said,“Here! Take your shareo’thewater!” Somehow I propped myself up on my arms, dizzy and weak. I looked at the men, and I thought my eyes were going. Their figures ...