Cooking an Entire Thanksgiving Dinner Over A Campfire in the Mountains Is an Amazing Experience and You Should Try It Nature I Was Lucky Enough to Visit the Famous Grand Falls in Arizona Before It Closed to the Public Forever You may not be a huge outdoor person or hiker, but even the...
and I want to be present when we all go out to dinner together.” That would be so much better than to show up and have a friend tell you, through their actions, “I know you’re right in front of me, but right now, this game is more important to me than connecting with you....
The conventional wisdom has it that, thanks to production delays caused by the 2023 writers’ and actors’ strikes, the pickings are slim this year, which is true provided you adhere to a narrow parameter of what defines a movie or performance being “Oscar-worthy.” Awards With ...
I have written several Thanksgiving posts for this blog over the years but this November I want to explore a whole new level of gratitude because I have noticed a seasonal shift in my life; we have entered a time of “goodbyes” as we send our kids out into the world, grieve the loss...
Posted in Uncategorized on November 22, 2023 by amylawrencepxp Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your week is full of family and friends (or friends who are like family), food, fun, football and faith. For me, the official start to the holiday season feels enormously different this fall. It ...
There are all kinds of nuts out there, myself included LOL, but in my house, pecans are the favorite. Give me a handful of perfectly toasted pecans to snack on and I am good to go. While you can certainly eat them raw, I love toasting nuts. It brings out their natural flavor more...
I have written several Thanksgiving posts for this blog over the years but this November I want to explore a whole new level of gratitude because I have noticed a seasonal shift in my life; we have entered a time of “goodbyes” as we send our kids out into the world, grieve the loss...
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ...
Tuesday Takeout in Tyler The Grove in Tyler Google Maps The Grove in Tyler Greenburg Smoked Turkey in Tyler Google Maps Greenburg Smoked Turkey in Tyler Roost in Tyler Google Maps Roost in Tyler The Dinner Table in Tyler Google Maps The Dinner Table in Tyler Saltgrass Steakhouse in Tyler Goog...
I’ve missed Thanksgivings, I’ve missed performances; games are on nights and weekends. In other words, games are EXACTLY when your friends want to go out to a bar, or a movie, or a show. Make sure you find someone who is willing to be flexible and understands that the cost of ...