5 : to obtain from the proper authority take out a charter 6 : to start on a course : set out More from Merriam-Webster on takeout Nglish: Translation of takeout for Spanish Speakers Britannica English: Translation of takeout for Arabic SpeakersLast...
Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine ...
throughout, completely:She was soaked through. from beginning to end:read the letter all the way through. to completion:to see it through. adj. Pronounsat a point or in a state of completion of an action, etc.; finished:[be+~]Please be quiet until I'm through. ...
按Merriam Webster给出的解 释是a miss shot in basketb 分享24赞 lanadelrey吧 文艺外星人 【Born To Die】二专 A.K.A. Lizzy Grant 13首歌的所有歌词 收集到一个帖子来 顺便申个精~ 分享37赞 皇牌空战吧 zhrwk [开始发水贴]AC04全任务无线电台词翻译[真的水贴喔]看到吧,是水贴吧,不要插楼哦,会...
参考字典: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 5th Ed 分享138赞 林志炫吧 村上肥猪 【One Take】One Take专辑收录歌单和发行时间!One Take专辑不完全歌单,可能会有所出入,具体请以发行专辑为准。台湾发行时间为12月31日。 专辑歌曲列表: 「浮夸」 「残缺」...
To learn to follow; to copy; to imitate; as, he takes after a good pattern. To resemble; as, the son takes after his father. See also: Take, Take Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
为了更好地理解发音,建议查阅在线词典,例如Merriam-Webster, Cambridge Dictionary, Oxford Learner's Dictionaries等,这些词典通常提供语音朗读功能,可以帮助学习者准确把握发音。 你还可以利用在线发音工具,例如Forvo,听取不同母语人士的发音,并进行模仿练习。 二、含义解读:多元化的“Take Out” “Take Out” 的含义并...
TheMerriam-Webster Dictionarydefines burnout as “exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation, usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.” It can lead tonegative effectssuch as anatomical changes in the structure of the brain. Chronic stress can also cause high blood pre...
Now, let's talk about take off. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, it has 10 meanings. For this program, we will look at two of them. One meaning is useful when traveling. It means "to begin to fly." For this meaning, the...
Merriam-Websterlists the following definitions as well: To fire a gun To try to hit To propel a ball or puck toward a goal To make a critical or hurtful remark about someone To attempt to do something successfully To photograph something ...