To the greater extent; generally or mostly. in good part Good-naturedly or with good grace; without taking offense:take a joke in good part. in part To some extent; partly. on the part of Regarding or with respect to (the one specified):Brilliant strategy on the part of Confederate forc...
First triathlon since getting my left hip put back together which was momentous, but it was also just a sprint on a familiar course with a good friend and zero expectations. I was pretty zen and really happy to be there. Owensies remarked that he needed to figure out how to work his n...
This is a big deal for triathletes because invariably, these multi-sport athletes must train several times a day to improve their performance in all three triathlon disciplines – swimming, cycling, and running. Despite being all about triathletes, this study reinforces the notion that ice baths ...
usatriathlon.orgHow do you make it?In a Keurig.How do you take it?I drink my coffee black.# of cups in a day?Usually have one to two cups a day.When do you drink it?First thing in the morning.Any coffee loyalties?Newman’s own.What’s your routine? Drink my coffee with ...