张掖汽修138601 (刷腻子) 楼主 2008-07-28 19:00:05 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=uemzMX0TUFg&feature=related 赞 回复 $un 2008-07-28 19:00:38 OH YEAH 赞 回复 omytea (EA#CABD) 2008-08-03 01:47:41 这个特好听 本来aha abba什么的就好听 赞 回复 ...
How do you like to dress your punchee?作者: GutpunchMexico 43 回覆黏 43 回覆黏 11 小時 TrampleMeWaxahachie11 小時前 Post your favourite abs punching video link!作者: Abs pain2 153 回覆黏 153 回覆黏 16 小時 Challenge316 小時前 2 on 1作者: plzpunchmygut 46 回覆黏 46 回覆黏 17 小時...
AI落榜美术生 - La Ilaha Ilallah 03:57 AI叶利钦 - never gona give you up 03:32 AI落榜美术生 - Deutschland 05:23 AI落榜美术生 - Marshi i UÇK (March of KLA)(科索沃解放军进行曲) 03:32 Bosnian Artillery(波斯尼亚炮兵之歌) PHONK REMIX (bosnian song) 02:32 伊里奇 - 乌克兰国歌 03...
Aha, found it. It was in the Apple Watch User Guide: Submerging Apple Watch is not recommended. Apple Watch has a water resistance rating of IPX7 under IEC standard 60529. The leather bands are not water resistant. Water resistance is not a permanent condition and Apple Watch cannot be re...
“aha” moment, and once it was spoken aloud, we knew we had to work to put all of the pieces into place. Of course, leadership and internal stakeholders had some initial concerns about not engaging on social channels for a month, but the risks were outweighed by our collective commitment...
Last week, I brought herbal sleeping pills in case I couldn’t sleep on the plane, flying from Seattle to London. After sleeping for two and a half hours, I woke up. Aha, I am prepared, I thought. I put one herbal sleeping pill in my hand-held bag. I could sleep for another thr...
‘aha’ moment. Inspiration hit. I went to our studio the next day and wrote the track. Marc heard the track and instantly put the vocal melody down.” They add, “Lyrically, this track is about sleepless nights lying awake thinking about that special someone. It’s about fallin...
Maybe you read a funny slogan on a billboard. Maybe you overhear a conversation while you wait in line. Maybe a conversation with a friend turns into the Aha-moment that will get you unstuck. The point is: Most of us, when we’re working, are focused on “output.” Kind of like I...
Whoever watched the rentals on Youtube with comments from Canadian Ted Barton and understandsat least a little English, he probably heard how he several times expressed his satisfaction with the high quality of the broadcast of this sporting event by 1ORT channel. Which, according to the logic...