Planning on taking theNCLEX? Maybe you're a little anxious about taking the exam, or you're not sure exactly what the test-taking experience will be like. If that's the case, we invite you to try our NCLEX practice tests to master essential nursing concepts and build confidence before yo...
We encourage you not to limit yourself to one type of practice exam. Getting as many different viewpoints and test questions under your belt as possible is the ticket to being ready for anything on exam day. Repetition will make you comfortable with whatever they throw at you. ...
Take the NCLEX Once you graduate and earn your bachelor’s degree, you’re then eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become a registered nurse. Before taking the exam, you need to register with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing to receive an Au...
The HESI exam is specifically tailored to help nursing and other health-profession students prepare for licensing & board exams like NCLEX. It features multiple parts which aim to assess your ability to comprehend healthcare-related materials as well as your critical-thinking capabilities. ...
Most RN programs will help students prepare for the NCLEX-RN exam, which you will need to pass to become a registered nurse. Before taking it, you need to register with theNational Council of State Boards of Nursingto receive an Authorization to Test then sign up. Plan to do this well ...