Take My Heart Away (把我的心带走)Hermione gasped as a flash of blinding green light flew past her. She watched its procession across the forest clearing with a horrid fascination frozen in her tracks. Time seemed to slow as she witnessed the beam of light hit her best friend ...
Take My Heart Away (把我的心带走)Hermione gasped as a flash of blinding green light flew past her. She watched its procession across the forest clearing with a horrid fascination frozen in her tracks. Time seemed to slow as she witnessed the beam of light hit her best friend squarely in ...
伏赫:Take my..发现有人竟然在贴马尔福的资料,我也转一个从别的地方来的文章,哈利波特中有一个超级好看的伏赫文,喜欢哈利波特的看一下啦.序幕 结局(the end) 当一束刺眼的绿
take-my-heart-away伏赫当一束刺眼的绿光划过她眼前的时候,Hermione倒吸了一口冷气。她僵在原地眼睁睁的看着它带着可怕的魔力穿过树林。当她意识到那束绿光正中她最好朋友的胸膛时,时间仿佛变慢了。Harry Potter倒地的时候她甚至没有转过身,他的眼睛已经黯然而毫无生气。 下一件她意识到的事情是一阵令人毛骨...
伏赫:《Take my Heart Away》很老的一篇文,我是之前看的,有点忘记。大致内容是赫敏通过时间转换器...
直到我无意中打开了拿走我的心(Take My Heart Away),万分感激黎明之光,从来我认清了同人的伟大,化不可能为可能,终于满足的心愿,从此一名铁杆伏赫命出生了,坚定不疑的为了小伏的幸福,为了我喜欢的赫敏,高举伏赫大旗永不动摇。 我不喜欢伏金,我承认这两者在罗林笔下互动更多些,除了上面所说的不想让小伏沦为抢...
even as tears fill my eyes, i swear i won't cryany other girl, i'd let you walk away any other girl, i'm sure i'd be oktell me what makes a man wanna give you all his heart smile when you're around and cry when you're apart if you know what makes a man wanna love you...
伏赫吧 关注:4,788贴子:69,776 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 游戏 1 2 下一页 尾页 24回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回伏赫吧【求助】楼楼正在以《Take my heart away》为剧本做游戏 只看楼主收藏回复 爱婉月 霍格沃兹 5 但是楼楼抠图技术很渣啊 求高手和楼楼一起制作游戏有意者+qq 1126288133 ...
魔法部长 14 一直听说伏赫的Take My Heart Away不错w 来自手机贴吧6楼2013-05-23 19:50 收起回复 Potterhead O.W.Ls 8 ***Dumbledore从他位于Dippet校长身边的位子观察着大礼堂里的一举一动。Helen Westowe,或者说她这样称呼自己,坐在Gryffindor餐桌旁始终紧张的抚弄着自己的头发。她好像和Gryffindor七年...
听过心情大好~~~ 分享4赞 哈利波特冷cp吧 Sunnylemon116 【同人】Take My Heart Away(翻译同人,伏赫,TR/HG)(转载)1L度娘 分享21 傲视神州孙伯符吧 傲视神州孙伯符 战神1中英文对照翻译[Kratos hopelessly looks up and then down again at his grave] 克瑞托斯无助地望向头顶,又再度将视线移到他的脚下,那里...