献给Take Me To Chruch 我生负原罪 而爱人却为此洗清罪孽 宗教将我们分隔 自由被套上枷锁 饥渴的异教徒 沦为谈资笑料 我说阿门 尽诉罪孽 每个礼拜从未获得宽恕 纵然如此 我仍执迷不悟 若想逃离 唯有献祭 世间本无圣主 不过一片肆意生长的土壤 而爱人将带我去新“谎言”铺就的天堂 我将虔诚的奉为圭臬 ... ...
So basically I woke up late to go to chruch. My dad said I stayed up on my phone.(which is not trure) and then said he is going to take away my phone. I come home and i began to claean my room and I was like maybe I should play as song before I get my phone taken. MY...