“Jesus,take the wheel”是一首阐扬信仰力量的心灵乐章。一位单身母亲,在白色圣诞夜独自驾车带着宝宝回父母家。一路上,过去一年的艰辛与烦恼犹如电影画面一幕幕闪现于眼前。不觉间,她把车开得飞快,又因无法集中精力,汽车竟不幸失控。就在车祸即将酿成的生死之间,无助的妈妈本能地想起了耶稣基督,并从心底发出...
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Help themto take to heartthe attitudes and qualities that characterized Jesus. Pomoz jim, aby sipostoje a vlastnosti charakteristické pro Ježíševzaliksrdci. jw2019 Nothingto take to heart Neber to tak moc vážně opensubtitles2
The context here is the Upper Room Discourse, where Jesus is providing His final teachings before His crucifixion. This setting underscores the importance and urgency of His message. so that in MeThe phrase "in Me" is crucial, as it emphasizes the intimate relationship between Jesus and His ...
When Jesus told someone that He forgave sin people tried to stone Him — for it was understood that in doing so He claimed He was equivalent to G-d. The admonition of forgiving those who have done harm to you is for your own sake, that you may be freed of the self destructive ...
Call me what ever you want, I don’t care. I will not deny the kingship of Jesus Christ in order to appease Christ hating, anti-christ Jews. It’s just that simple. It’s just that simple”. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2276284/13987950 Warning: memes ahead… Continue reading → This...
Jesus, Your love So I will sing it, and I will grieve. But I have a new hope for a new season. And an identity that Christ is calling me to root in him, and not in the things that I do for him. (But that sounds like another post for another day.) Feb 29, 2016 4:26:39...
Call me what ever you want, I don’t care. I will not deny the kingship of Jesus Christ in order to appease Christ hating, anti-christ Jews. It’s just that simple. It’s just that simple”. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2276284/13987950 Warning: memes ahead… Continue reading → This...
CynicalMexican, RyanDri3957V, GhettoJesus and6 others 9 Grichka Bogdanoff BUSTED Joined: 05/13/2013 Incoming call PostedJuly 17, 2021 Hopefully GTANet and the other major GTA websites/people make some posts or articles to raise awareness against this unacceptable sh*t Take Two & Rockstar have...
Discovery Jesus Sanz VP of Talent Acquisition, UPS Leigh Elena Henderson Digital Creator and Podcast Host, HRManifesto, LLC Ross Kennedy Global Vice President of Digital Natives, Microsoft Alyssa Chase SVP, Talent & Culture, Keurig Dr Pepper Jason Lee Chief of Chime Enterpris...