“take account into”的正确用法应为“take sth into account”或者“take into account sth”,意为“把……考虑进去”或“顾及某事”。下面我将详细解释这个短语的用法。 一、基本用法 “take sth into account”或“take into account sth”是英语中常用的短语,用于表示在...
这个固定搭配正确的是:take sth.into account.其中sth.作take的宾语. 但在实际情况中,由于宾语sth.太长,所以就会置于account之后,如:I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.(我希望老师改卷的时候考虑一下我在考前生病的这个事实...
这个固定搭配正确的是:take sth.into account.其中sth.作take的宾语. 但在实际情况中,由于宾语sth.太长,所以就会置于account之后,如:I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.(我希望老师改卷的时候考虑一下我在考前生病的这个事实...
take into account 意思是“考虑”,相当于consider 用法用法 take sth into account 或者take into account sth 例句例句 A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings.一位好的建筑师会考虑到建筑物的周边环境。 The company takes environmental issues into account wherever possible.这家公...
公式一:take sth into account 或者take into account sth 这种表达方式直译为“考虑某事”或“将某事纳入考虑”。它指出在制定计划、评估选项或解决问题时,需要将特定因素或情况纳入考虑。例如:一位好的建筑师会考虑到建筑物的周边环境。这表明建筑师在设计时需要思考环境因素,确保建筑设计与周围环境相...
take into account sth. 把……纳入考虑 In conclusion, we are supposed to___rationally and put more emphasis on coping with the pollution of city. 总之,我们应该理性地考虑这一问题,更加重视城市污染的应对。相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 take into account this problem 反馈 ...
…考 进去In some cases, local produce might have used more energy and produced more greenhouse gases than produce grown a l long way away-even taking into account its transport.有时,本地产品可能比远路的产品消耗了更多的能源,制造了更多的温室气体--更要考虑它的运输成本。 (教材P69)take sth....
词汇take into account 释义take into account 主要翻译 take [sth] into account v expr (consider, allow for)把…列入考虑范围;考虑到You should have taken their age into account. You must take into account both the exchange rate and the bank fees.你必须同时把汇率以及银行费用列入考虑范围。你应该...
taking into account what has been discussed above的意思是考虑到上面讨论的内容。英语二图表作文万能句式:总结预测段 1、According to the above analysis, it is obvious that the trend reflected by the chart will sustain for some time in the future.2、Taking into account what has been ...
takesth.into account动词 考虑...动(几乎一直被使用) 不常见: 重视...动 · 体谅...动 例子: take circumstances into account— 酌情 adequately take into account both public and private interests— 公私兼顾 也可见: take动— 考虑动 · 取动 ...