Take Me Home, Country Roads Det ärTake Me Home, Country Roads. That'sTake Me Home, Country Roads. HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource 显示算法生成的翻译 将“Take Me Home"自动翻译成 英文 错误 Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate...
take mercy on me! take my word take note Take note. take notes take notice take off 将“take leave"翻译成匈牙利文 elbúcsúzik, elmegy, eltávozik是“take leave"到 匈牙利文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:You will take leave of your wife and family and dismiss your driver. ↔ El...
Trent Bridge, UK TAKEMYONLINEEXAMS is just awesome. Thanks to them I passed my economics course with B grade, despite the fact that I was destined to get an F grade in it. Farooq New Jersey I was having my quiz due tonight. I was really in a tight position because If I failed that...
Investment tax in the UK is a rich person’s problem If you’re payingcapital gains tax(CGT) on profits from share trades or on dividend income, you may be throwing away money. For a minority of investors, regularlypaying taxes on investmentsis inevitable. Perhaps they’re wealthy enough to...
AsiaBathhouse—Redeem for 100 Primogems and 50k Mora HNYM2GAQ8PQ9—Redeem for 60 Primogems HNYM49IX9PDS—Redeem for 60 Primogems KAM7UKZGVRXZ—Redeem for 20k Mora and Food FORNATLAN—Redeem for 30 Primogems MAVUIKAWISHES—Redeem for 30 Primogems and Hymm of Gathered Fla...
Gebėjimas prižiūrėti visą techninę įrangą ir ja rūpintis pagal technines instrukcijas. Eurlex2019 The young doctor said cheerfully, ‘That ought to take care of her for about six hours, anyway. Linksmai nusiteikęs jaunasis gydytojas pareiškė: —Šiaip ar tai...
类似于 "take off" 的短语,可翻译成 盖丘亚文 take off (clothes) lluch'ukuy 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“take off"翻译成 盖丘亚文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 He takes off the new robe that he is wearing and tears it into 12 pieces. Mushoq röpanta qoturirshi chunk...
lluch'ukuy是将“take off (clothes)"翻译成 盖丘亚文。 译文示例:Punchuykita lluch'ukuy, ni chirisanñachu. Quítate el "poncho", pues ya no está haciendo frío. ↔ P'achaykita lluch'ukunayki tian mayuta chimpananchejpajqa. Tienes que quitarte la ropa para que crucemos el río. ...
Gebėjimas prižiūrėti visą techninę įrangą ir ja rūpintis pagal technines instrukcijas. Eurlex2019 The young doctor said cheerfully, ‘That ought to take care of her for about six hours, anyway. Linksmai nusiteikęs jaunasis gydytojas pareiškė: —Šiaip ar tai...