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"If I go off to college and I come home without a job, I might qualify. But even if I had a small job, I couldn't make more than $3,700 per year." The bad news for parents: The only way to claim a deduction on an older child at home is if the child refuses to work ...
Here are six steps experts say you should take to make your study abroad experience as stress-free and seamless as possible. READ: How Study Abroad Can Benefit College Students Decide on the Experience You Want First, make a list of your study abroad goals, including nonnegotiables,...
Finding fun online college courses to fill out your course load can do a lot to even out your college schedule. Here are some options to explore.
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Should I double major in college? If you’re deciding whether to double major in college, it’s important to consider the potential pros and cons as you make the choice. Continue, Should I double major in college? student What happens to my college credits if I’ve been out ...
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