“故意犯规(take foul)”的方法有很多种,当年“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔在NBA横行无忌的时候,小牛队前主教练老尼尔森就发明了“砍鲨战术”,通过犯规将罚球命中率不高的奥尼尔送上罚球线。后来这种战术被推广开来,各支球队纷纷通过故意犯规将罚球率不高的球员送上罚球线。不过,随着近年来NBA内线球员都以投射著称,所以这种...
NBA这个赛季对规则进行了修改 增加了一个新的Transition Take Foul 有点类似于FIBA规则中的违体犯规C3 也是在攻防转换过程中发生的冲人不冲球的犯规 比如通过一些非篮球的动作 类似于FIBA规则里所说的 忽略了球直接抓住对手的身体 或者已经失去了合法的防守位置 比如躺在地上的时候 这个犯规的罚则是 一罚一掷 另...
A take foul is when a defender fouls someone without making a play on the ball to stop a transition opportunity. Here's an example involving Bucks superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo, who hasled the NBAin transition scoring in each of the last four seasons: Previously, the penalty for co...
NBA从新赛季开始,将新设“破坏快攻犯规”(transition take foul):在攻守转换发生时,以犯规的方式破坏进攻的,判一罚一掷,罚球由攻方场上任何人执行;第四节最后2分钟和加时最后2分钟除外,即保留了落后方犯规战术的机会;原有的从身后拉人且前方无人的clear-path-foul依旧保留。。。接下来希望NBA能去掉进攻干扰球这...
LAS VEGAS (AP) — The NBA has completed the process of changing the transition take foul rule, ending years of discussion about what to do with the long-maligned tactic. And, also as expected, the play-in tournament is going to be around for the foreseeable future. ...
“I think the take foul needs to be abolished as soon as humanly possible,” Golden State coach Steve Kerr said during the playoffs. The G League and Summer League are the traditional testing labs for the NBA before making rule changes or amending policies. Among those that started at those...
NBA新规的确立往往会从夏联开始(或者先在G联赛实验)。今年的夏季联赛会施行被声讨了多个赛季的转换故意犯规(take foul)。同时还会设置对裁判发起回放的限制,对教练发起挑战的限制,和即时回放。 . take fou...
我寻思加拿大的IP查NBA官网手册应该不难吧,clear path 不等于take foul🤡,继续反驳啊,证据拿不出来...
The Timberwolves had trouble making them pay, shooting 9 for 32 from 3-point range. The bench production that helped them dominate the opener waned a bit. The whistles were tighter this time, leading to a costly three-foul first quarter for Towns that kept him out until halftime. ...