I remembered in 2011, looking at graduation on the horizon and trying to cherish whatever moments I had left. Some friends of mine were talking about some Canadian rapper named Drake, reciting lyrics like that had been paid to create them. Annoyed that I wasn’t in the conversation, I was...
In contrast, when I pick up my 3 year old out of the bed to take her potty before I rest, she MELTS into me. (those are the sweetest moments of the day!) I think most of the time, we fall in between these two points, but I long to learn to just melt into God every day. ...
If ever feeling down I tell myself God deals with everything and that It's not my fault how I am, look to someone else, or any of that stuff. We are all the way we are supposed to be, and we have a choice as to how much pain we want to bring on ourselves. ...
Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced. — James A. Baldwin 203 Joy is love exalted; peace is love in response; long-suffering is love enduring; gentleness is love in society; goodness is love in action; faith is love on the battlef...
Practice proactivity by making commitments to yourself and sticking to them. To be proactive, you must focus on your Circle of Influence (what you have control over) within your Circle of Concern (everything you’re personally concerned about). In other words, you must work on the things you...
I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostili
an invitation from mike and genel nichols to journey with us to the Word. it is our firm belief that the way to know God, find peace, and live with joy is through growing in, and applying the Word. take the journey with us!
and though everything about it is certainly clever, it’s doubtful anyone managed to find lyrics like “Everywhere the atom bombs are dropping / It’s the end of all humanity / No more time for last minute shopping / It’s time to face your final destiny” particularlyfunnyat the time....
Not that what you do has anything to do with your salvation because all true believers are bought with the blood of the Lamb but it certainly will have everything to do with your eternal position. In heaven, God has always had hierarchy. Contrary to the thinking of some, Christians...
Two weeks later, I was having my second interview with an integrator in the material handling space. They were a growing organization and had needed experienced Senior PM’s to come on board and develop a system as everything was pretty much ad hoc at that point. I mean, it was wild. ...