She grunted, taking my hand to stand up. “My fault. Jas threatened to tickle me when I already needed to get to the bathroom. Shithead.” Funny bastard. “You alright?” “Will be in about 30 seconds…” Practically as soon as she was on her feet, she was slamming the bathroom do...
but the hot water cylinder in the bathroom springing a leak. Madame was well grumpy by this time and we slept in an uncomfortable silence while the bathroom bucket filled a drip at a time with expensive warm water. On the plus side I had the first civil conversation ever with our landlord...
Suqare Universal Double Bowl Sink Protection Grid in Stainless Steel with Rear Drain US$4.50-6.00 / Piece 4"*4"*3mm Manufacturer Customizable Ball Bearing Stainless Steel Security Hinge for Outswing Door US$2.25-2.50 / Pair Zinc Alloy Black Tubular Lever Security ...
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