[transitive] take something used with nouns to say that someone is doing something, performing an action, etc. to take a step/walk/stroll to take a bath/shower to take a dip/swim to take a look/glance to take a bite/drink/sip to take a deep breath to take a break/rest form/posi...
Nationalism is not just a synonym for patriotic feelings. In simplest terms, patriotism is loyalty to one’s “Fatherland” (derived from the Greek “patrios – father” and “-ism” – belief in), one’s country.. To be loyal to one’s homeland and its traditions and values, and havin...
D、 行動(action) E、 狀態(state) 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 在前置A机查看dfes_table,显示数据是从dfes主机读取的。( ) A、 正确 B、 错误 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: dispiay bgp routing-table 查看BGP路由表,status codes 中(多选) A、 表示路由是有效路由,下一跳可达 B、 表示路由是...