State of the Art Onlookers on State Street are doing double takes: The new Bowman Originals gallery and retail showroom also houses jewelry artist Ned Bowman's workshop, and you can actually watch the artisans in action from windows outside. State of the art A wallpaper facsimile of the ga...
19. to make, do, or perform (an action): to take a leap. 20. to make use of: to take an opportunity. 21. to put into effect; adopt: to take measures. 22. (Photography) (also intr) to make a photograph of or admit of being photographed 23. (Theatre) to act or perform:...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
act,move- perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel" ...
6. (Tools) anything resembling a knee in action, such as a device pivoted to allow one member angular movement in relation to another 7. (Tools) anything resembling a knee in shape, such as an angular bend in a pipe 8. (Botany) any of the hollow rounded protuberances that project upwa...
3. (especially with take) too great freedom of speech or action. I think it was (taking) a liberty to ask her such a question!libertadˈliberties noun plural privileges, rights etc. civil liberties.privilegios, derechostake the liberty of to do without permission. I took the liberty of ...
Related to take the bull by the horns: put the cart before the horsetake the bull by the horns To confront difficulties, or begin an action resolutely; from the cowboy sport of bulldogging, ie grabbing a steer by the horns and wrestling it to the ground. ...
3. To postpone action or resolution regarding. 4. Slang To rebuke sharply; reprimand. sit out 1. To stay until the end of. 2. To refrain from taking part in: sit out a dance. sit up 1. To rise from lying down to a sitting position. 2. To sit with the spine erect. 3. To st...
c.To put into action; deploy:field an army of campaign workers. 3.To enter (data) into a field. v.intr.Sports To play as a fielder:How well can he field? Idiom: take the field To begin or resume activity, as in a sport or military operations. ...
a primary school in Scotland. Declassified documents confirm the shooter had in the past been reprimanded for inappropriate behavior around children, though criminal charges were never brought. There have also been allegations of media management tohide the lack of government actionon these complaints....