t inevitable. The latest research shows that lifestyle choices play a far greater role in brain health than genetics alone. In this episode, neurologists Drs. Ayesha and Dean Sherzai share practical, science-backed strategies to help you protect your brain and reduce your risk of dementia. As...
Take This Quiz To Find Out! Even if you lovedad jokes, you still might be wondering if you are dad enough. No more guessing and wondering! Finally you can find out how much of a dad you really are! Each checked box gives you 1 point. Let us know in the comments how many points ...
a 22-month-old is brought in by her mother. She is verbally precocious, speaking in full sentences, but mother is concerned because of her daughter's stutter. no disorder; stuttering is considered normal until ~ age 2. If someone is actually suffering from a pseudodementia, what might you...
Related articleQuiz: What does your favorite music say about you? Researchers also found that people who wore earplugs had a lower percentage of tinnitus following sound exposure, 12%, compared with 40% in the unprotected group. Tinnitus is the feeling of ringing in your ears when there’s n...
Howard S. Weintraub, MD:That is a great question. In people who are statin intolerant, I have a very long discussion with them about how we are going to go about [lowering their lipids], and I remind them that we have a very long list of medications that we may have to use, includ...
Our brainis made up of86 billionneurons– or nerve cells – but as we get older some of these slowly die off. In extreme cases, nerve cells in different areas of the brain become damaged and eventually die causing a condition calleddementiawhere a person is unable to perform certain mental...
It can cause myriad health problems, including cirrhosis of the liver, birth defects, heart disease, stroke, psychological problems, and dementia. Counseling and a few medications can be effective for alcoholism treatment. Alcohol Abuse Slides Read about the health risks of chronic heavy or binge ...
Why Working Out May Lower Your Risk for Dementia Scientists Show GLP-1s Can Reduce Alcohol Cravings Can Yogurt Lower Your Colorectal Cancer Risk? The Flu Virus Is Getting Savvy. How To Outsmart It This Single Factor Could Cause Alzheimer's ...
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