开车50分钟可抵达世界遗产白川乡。从JR高山站步行6分钟可抵达酒店。 高山绿色酒店位于飞騨高山的中心,保有传统文化,提供238间独特的客房与套房,以及6间餐厅。纪念品商店有着超过7000种以上种类繁多的产品可供选择,还有面向日式庭园的天然温泉。 最新信息
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From the bath tub, you can enjoy the view of a Japanese garden that changes its scenery with the seasons; cherry blossoms in spring, lush greenery in summer, vibrant foliage in autumn, and serene snow in winter. Garden open-air bath ...
In the evening, we prepare futons in your Japanese-style room for a restful night. For your convenience, please use the in-room safe for valuables. This service embodies Japanese hospitality, ensuring your room is ready for relaxation immediately after dinner. ...
高山绿色酒店为您提供的“真正飞騨牛”经过专业人员中的“专家”熟成处理。 GREEN COURT、居酒屋餐饮酒吧白川乡和绿亭都供应飞騨牛。 烤飞騨牛和猪(GREEN COURT) 炭火烤飞騨牛(白川乡) 朴叶味噌烤飞騨牛(绿亭) 飞騨牛排(GREEN COURT) 烤飞騨牛和猪(GREEN COURT) ...
The brand name “Hida Beef” is given only to beef which has passed strict rating inspections. Furthermore, to bring out the best possible flavor from the meat, it goes through a careful process of aging. Takayama Green Hotel serves real “Hida Beef” aged by expert culinary craftsmen. ...
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客房提供給住宿客人多樣化的客房選擇。 夜床服務 我們會於傍晚為您準備好和室內的床鋪。 請將您的貴重物品放在房間裡的保險箱或帶在身上。 為您準備好房間,讓您能快速放鬆,是日本的待客之道之一。 租借浴衣 浴衣是日本的傳統服飾,比和服休閒一些。穿上浴衣能讓您這次住宿的回憶更加印象深刻。浴衣租借為付費服務,...