The Takayama Festival, known as the Takayama Matsuri in Japanese, is celebrated in Takayama, a historic town in the mountainous Hida region of Gifu Prefecture. This festival is held twice a year, in spring (April) and autumn (October), and is renowned for its stunning festival floats, called...
Visitor guide for the Takayama Festival, held in spring (April 14-15) and autumn (October 9-10).
Held in spring (April 14-15) and autumn (October 9-10), the Takayama Festival is ranked as one of Japan's three most beautiful festivals alongside Kyoto's Gion Matsuri and the Chichibu Matsuri. Four of the autumn festival's eleven floats (yatai) are exhibited at the Takayama Matsuri Yatai...
The Takayama Matsuri (Festival) is regarded as one of the three most beautiful festivals in Japan. (along with Chichibu Matsuri in Saitama Prefecture and the Gion Matsuri in Kyoto.) The focus of the festival is the magnificent floats which are pulled through the strees of the town. The Ta...
The Takayama Matsuri (Festival) is regarded as one of the three most beautiful festivals in Japan. (along with Chichibu Matsuri in Saitama Prefecture and the Gion Matsuri in Kyoto.) The focus of the festival is the magnificent floats which are pulled throu...
The Takayama Festival, known locally as Takayama Matsuri, is one of ...SNOW MONKEY RESORTSAREA MAP Established in 1964, the Jigokudani Monkey Park is home to the only troop of monkeys in the world known to naturally bathe in hot springs. Open all-year-round, the park is one of Nagano'...
The Takayama Festival isn’t justone of Japan’s three most beautiful festivals(alongside Kyoto’s Gion Matsuri and Chichibu Yomatsuri); it’s an experience that will stay with you long after the echoes of the last drumbeat fade. So, don your festive spirit and prepare to be enchanted by ...
En flânant dans ces ruelles pavées, vous aurez l'occasion de découvrir l'héritage culturel de la région, notamment lors des festivals colorés qui animent la ville tout au long de l'année, tels que le célèbre Takayama Matsuri, reconnu comme l'un des plus beaux festivals du Japon...
Takayama Festival Floats Exhibition Hall Takayama A rotating selection of four of the 23 multitiered yatai (floats) used in Takayama Matsuri can be appreciated here. These spectacular creations, some… Login Hida Folk Village Takayama The sprawling, open-air Hida-no-sato is a highly recommended ha...
Takayama Festival Floats Exhibition Hallis the museum of the gorgeous floats using in Takayama Festival. ("Takayama-matsuri Yatai Kaikan" in Japanese) It is located about 300 meters north of Sancho area. It is in the precincts ofSakurayama Hachimangushrine (櫻山八幡宮). ...