The Takayama Jinya (高山陣屋) served as the local government office headed by the officials dispatched from Edo (present day Tokyo). The building complex was in official use until 1969 and is now open to the public as a museum. It includes various nicely maintained tatami rooms that once ...
高山阵屋 Takayama Jinya *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!江户时代郡代、代官(官职名)执政的场所,官府以及郡代(代官)的宅邸、仓库等总称为阵屋。据说在幕府末期全国各地曾经存留的60多处郡代、代官衙门中,唯一一处保存有当时建筑的仅有高山阵屋。作为全国唯一仅存的遗迹,昭和4年被指定为国家遗迹。 明治维新后,主要...
【高山阵屋Takayama Jinya 】 江户时代郡代、代官执政的场所,官府以及郡代的宅邸、仓库等总称为阵屋。据说,在幕府末期全国各地曾经存留的60多处郡代、代官衙门中,唯一一处保存有当时建筑的仅有高山阵屋。昭和4年(1929年)被指定为国家遗迹。1996年3月起岐阜县教育委员会,为了保存日本唯一留存的德川幕府郡代役所,...
Takayama Jinya是一個歷史悠久的政府辦公室,現在是一個博物館,展示了當地的歷史和文化。另外,您還可以參觀Hida-Takayama Miyagawa早市,品嚐新鮮的當地美食和購買紀念品。如果您對日本的傳統節日感興趣,Takayama Festival Floats Exhibition Hall是一個必訪之地,展示了精美的節日花車。在Higashiyama Walking Course上漫步,...
高山陣屋(Takayama Jinya)是一个历史悠久的政府办公建筑,展示了江户时代的建筑风格和历史文物。另外,您还可以参观飞驒高山宫川朝市(Hida-Takayama Miyagawa Morning Market),品尝新鲜的食品和购买纪念品。在东山步行道(Higashiyama Walking Course)上散步,欣赏美丽的自然风光和庭园景观。在中桥(Nakabashi Bridge)上漫步,...
Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the region by visiting the Takayama Jinya, a former government office that offers a glimpse into the town's feudal past. Don't miss the Takayama Festival, held in spring and autumn, which showcases magnificent floats adorned with intricate ...
During this tour, you will first visit the 300±year-old Takayama Jinya. You’ll learn about the history of the Jinya and Takayama city. You’ll also see a beautiful Japanese garden and experience the beauty of traditional Japanese design. The Jinya houses artifacts from the 17th to 19th ce...
高山陣屋丨Takayama Jinya这种建筑物是什么?这是江户时代的代官所,过去曾在日本国内有60处以上,可是现存只有高山一处了。什么是阵屋?在江户时代进行统治管理的地方。在这之中有官员的府邸以
Highlights included Takayama Jinya, the Festival Floats Exhibition Hall, and Hida Folk Village. They arranged a very enjoyable lunch for us and even added a visit to a shop specializing in the local crafts. It was a great day. Read more Written Novem...
A beautiful traditional Japanese-style building, the Takayama Jinya used to serve as Takayama's government office during the feudal era, when the city stood under direct control of the shogun due to its valuable timber resources. Old sake breweries Hours: typically 9:00 to 17:00 Sake is ...