三池崇史(Takashi Miike),1960年8月24日出生于日本大阪府八尾市,日本演员、编剧、导演。 铺天盖地的日式cult片和粉红新浪潮,无疑成了三池崇史挑战传统大银幕的最佳武器。他天马行空的想象力,在各类异色影像的诱导下愈发显现出优势。由最初他在黑帮片中出现叛道离经的另类创举,一直到他后来放弃帮派片转战纯粹的...
lurid colors, and surreality that also dotDead or Alive. Miike sees no subject, no whim, and no fantasy as being below the purview of art. InDead or Alive, an instrument for performing an enema is introduced as a crude joke, and then paid off with the woman’s painful death in the ...
Takashi Miike. Director: Koroshiya 1. Takashi Miike was born in the small town of Yao on the outskirts of Osaka, Japan. His main interest growing up was motorbikes, and for a while he harbored ambitions to race professionally. At the age of 18 he went to
This actor has starred in 13 Takashi Miike movies. 6.5 0 Shô Aikawa Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City (2010) Like a Dragon (2007) Sun Scarred (2006) Waru: kanketsu-hen (2006) Waru (2006) Zebraman (2004) Gozu (2003) Shô Aikawa as Ozaki Shangri-La (2002) Dead or Alive: Fi...
"Miike has produced accomplished work in a surprising variety of genres, including ones outside of the ultraviolent shockers – such asIchi the Killer,Dead or AliveandAudition– that got picked up in the west. Not many people are aware of Miike the chronicler of Osakan working-class life in...
Takashi Miike is a director with huge energy when making a film. His trouble is that often he makes features based on only one idea, and doesn't bring up any better ones during the film. The idea in "The Happiness of the Katakuries" is combining horror comedy with musical. The result...
Miike’s filmsare always populated with quirky characters, and the guests of the Inn are no different: for example, two of the doomed guests are a Sumo wrestler whose massive girth crushes his girlfriend when he has a heart attack during sex. Of course, the family has to dispose of these...
Dead Alive 在GNU自由文件授權條款(GNU Free Documentation License) 和/或 創用CC「姓名標示-相同方式分享」授權條款 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License) 的授權下,這個網頁包含了來自維基百科 Takashi Miike 網頁的內容。您可以在該頁面的歷史中看到所有參與編輯頁面內容的作者名單。Moovie...
Aikawa focuses on entering into “a dark world” in his early collaborations with Kiyoshi Kurosawa on the wonderfully namedSuit Yourself or Shoot Yourselfseries, getting seriously knocked about during fight scenes, and working extensively with Miike on (among others) theBlack SocietyandDead or Alive...
Everyone knows the tight bond that has united Takashi Miike and Fantasia for over two decades, and the festival is honoured to continue the tradition with the North American Premiere of his spellbinding new murder mysteryLAPLACE'S WITCH! Of course, in Miike’s hands...