编号 8916 名称 Takadox 官方原名 Takadox 发售日期 2007-10-24 绝版 系列 生化战士 发行年份 2007 颗粒数 62 零件表 包装尺寸 11 x 22.6 x 8.8 cm 重量 0.21Kg 8916相关标签生化战士反面人物 8916图纸说明书文件名日期 4501490.pdf 2010-01-01 4501491.pdf 2010-01-01 有多个说明书,通常是因为版本...
Takadox acquired an army and became a powerful warlord of the eastern regions of the universe,[3][4] hypnotizing his armies to make them extremely obedient.[5] He joined the other Barraki in the League of Six Kingdoms, all the while continuing his role as a Brotherhood informant. When he...
好不容易收了个全新的8916 来个伪测评纪念下 花家bang Bionicle 8 零件可以看到 夜光件透明件大赞 花家bang Bionicle 8 直接就给拼好了反正结构简单 夜光件和透明件效果真的赞爆 老帅了 应该是百鳍军的颜值担当了 改天去拍几张好照片 花家bang Bionicle 8 伪测评结束 VIPER Races 10 壕 卖...
LEGO 8916 Takadox was a 62 piece Bionicle set released in 2007. It features a blue body with glow-in-the-dark elements, twin serrated knives, a squid launcher, and two Sea Squid in holders on one arm. The current value for a new and sealed Takadox is estimated at ¥695, with an...