Infant mortality rate:total:33.05 deaths/1,000 live births male:37.8 deaths/1,000 live births female:28.06 deaths/1,000 live births (2021 est.) Definition:This entry gives the number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live births in the same year. This...
Birth rate Death rate Net migration rate Population distribution Urbanization Major cities - population Sex ratio Mother's mean age at first birth Maternal mortality rate Infant mortality rate Life expectancy at birth Total fertility rate Contraceptive prevalence rate ...
: 8,051,512 (growth rate: 1.75%); birth rate: 24.99/1000; infant mortality rate: 35.03/1000; life expectancy: 67.06; density per sq mi: 125.8 Capital and largest city (2014 est.): Dushanbe, 778,500 Other large city (2014 est.): Khujand, 584,400 (metro area) Monetary unit: somoni...
Infant mortality rate: total: 106.49 deaths/1,000 live births male: 117.83 deaths/1,000 live births female: 94.59 deaths/1,000 live births (2006 est.) Life expectancy at birth: total population: 64.94 years male: 62.03 years female: 68 years (2006 est.) Total fertility rate: 4...
Population (2014 est.):8,051,512 (growth rate: 1.75%); birth rate: 24.99/1000; infant mortality rate: 35.03/1000; life expectancy: 67.06; density per sq mi: 125.8 Capital and largest city (2014 est.):Dushanbe, 778,500 Other large city (2014 est.):Khujand, 584,400 (metro area) ...
Infant mortality rate total: 30.8 deaths/1,000 live births (2018 est.)male: 34.8 deaths/1,000 live birthsfemale: 26.5 deaths/1,000 live birthscountry comparison to the world: 59 Life expectancy at birth total population: 68.4 years (2018 est.)male: 65.2 yearsfemale: 71.7 yearscountry ...
It also has a high infant mortality rate, estimated at 117.4 deaths per every 1,000 live births. Compared to many other countries, life expectancy at birth in Tajikistan is low, estimated at 64 years. Unlike many other countries, Tajikistan's rural population is rising due to a higher ...
Tajikistan TJ: Mortality Rate: Infant: Female: per 1000 Live Births (Ratio)32.702016yearly1990 - 2016 Tajikistan TJ: Mortality Rate: Infant: Male: per 1000 Live Births (Ratio)41.402016yearly1990 - 2016 Tajikistan TJ: Domestic Credit: to Private Sector by Banks: % of GDP (%)12.502017yearly1998...
Therefore, delaying marriage by a few years may lead to a decrease in infant mortality and total fertility rates – a positive outcome for Tajikistan which has high rates of both. However, the obser...Armed Conflict, Education and the Marriage Market: Evidence from - Shemyakina - 2007 () ...
Infant mortality rate: total: 112.1 deaths/1,000 live births male: 124.47 deaths/1,000 live births female: 99.11 deaths/1,000 live births (2004 est.) Life expectancy at birth: total population: 64.47 years male: 61.53 years female: 67.55 years (2004 est.) Total fertility rate: 4....