Dongbu is a village in Dongpu Village, Xinyi Township, Taiwan Province and has an elevation of 1,119 metres. Mapcarta, the open map.
Dongbuda Shan is a ridge in Taiwan Province, Taiwan and has an elevation of 1,887 metres. Mapcarta, the open map.
截至今天上午8时,花莲、台东近海地震达79起。台东长滨乡约10吨重巨石掉落路面,桥梁垮塌住户水管爆裂。 原标题:台湾一夜连震79次受灾严重:桥梁垮塌水管爆裂 10吨巨石砸向路面责编杨雁琳 热门评论 吱吱吖吖2022-03-31 10:13:30 可怕 下载上游新闻看更多评论 ...
有公路路面裂开,屏东超千户停电 南方都市报消息,据中国地震台网正式测定,3月23日1时41分在台湾台东县海域(北纬23.45度,东经121.55度)发生6.6级地震,震源深度20千米。此外,当天凌晨台湾花莲、台东近海接连发生数次地震。南都记者从台湾气象部门官网获悉,截至23日10时,中国台湾地区累计发生逾80次地震,其中显著有感地震...
DongbuType: Hamlet Category: locality Location: Qilin Village, Puli, Nantou County, Taiwan Province, Central Taiwan, Taiwan, East Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude23.9249° or 23° 55' 30" north Longitude121.00258° or 121° 0' 9" east Elevation575 metres (1,886 feet) Open ...
DongbuType: Hamlet Category: locality Location: Qilin Village, Puli, Nantou County, Taiwan Province, Central Taiwan, Taiwan, East Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude23.9249° or 23° 55' 30" north Longitude121.00258° or 121° 0' 9" east Elevation575 metres (1,886 feet) Open ...
XiadongbuType: Hamlet Category: locality Location: Shuitou Village, Puli, Nantou County, Taiwan Province, Central Taiwan, Taiwan, East Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude23.94684° or 23° 56' 49" north Longitude120.98802° or 120° 59' 17" east Elevation466 metres (1,529 feet)...