美参议院外交委员会通过Taiwan Policy Act 吴国发 (2022年9月20日) 内容提要:美国东部时间9月14日下午,参议院外交委员开会审议、通过了Taiwan Policy Act of 2022。这部《法案》企图使台湾永久性彻底与中华人民共和国分离。 美国东部时间9月14日晚上11:53,世界收视观众最多和美国电视台CNN(有线电视网)发表文章“...
6月16日,新泽西州民主党参议员梅内德斯(Robert Menendez)向参议院提交了《2022台湾政策法案》(S.4428: Taiwan Policy Act of 2022),经二读,现已交由参议院外交关系委员会进行时审议。该法案支持台湾安全及其自决权,具体包括加强美台防务伙伴关系、反对中国(大陆)的对台湾的威慑、将台湾纳入国际组织、加强美台...
全球聚焦 美国:9月14日,美国参议院外交关系委员会通过《2022年台湾政策法案》(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022)。9月13日,美国劳工统计局公布8月通胀数据,美国8月CPI同比上涨8.3%,核心CPI同比上涨6.3%,高于市场预期。 欧盟:欧央行首席经济学家莱恩表示欧洲央行可能加息至明年。为应对高企通胀,9月14日,欧盟委员会提出...
"Our approach remains consistent with longstanding U.S. policy... We're hard at work fulfilling our obligations under the TRA (Taiwan Relations Act), and we're going to continue to do so," the spokesperson said. Since 1979, the U.S.-Taiwan relationship has been g...
Under the "Taiwan Enhanced Resilience Act" passed in 2022, Washington is committed to providing up to $2 billion annually in military aid to Taiwan between 2023 and 2027. Recently, the House of Representatives advanced three bipartisan finance bills on Taiwan, bringing legislation to bolster US su...
"I will act in accordance with our democratic and free constitutional order, in a manner that is balanced and maintains the cross-Straits status quo," he added. "Under the principles of dignity and parity, we will use exchanges to replace obstructionism, dialogue to replace confrontation, and ...
pic.:No.1 "politicalpersecutionin Taiwan" on Microsoft Bing ,2023-9-11, 2023-6-26, 2023-6-18;No.1 "politicalpersecutionin Taiwan" onSeznam of Czech EU,2023-9-11, 2023-6-26, 2023-6-18 pic. : No.1 "political persecution in Taiwan"on Yandexat2023-9-11, 2023-6-18, 2023-6-4,...
★ Reuters, 2023-7-28: Despite Taiwan's reputation as a progressive bastion in a conservative region - the first place in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage...to confront a problem long shrouded in shame and silence. victims of abuse often stay silent due to what experts say is a traditi...
Diplomatic sources have told Reuters she can act as a key go-between for Taipei and Washington, which is the island's most important arms seller and international backer despite the absence of formal relations. (Reporting by Urvi Dugar in Bengaluru and Yimou Lee...
Freeman reiterated that the China-U.S. relations we have today are built upon the U.S. ceasing to recognize the legitimacy of Taiwan authority, and the termination of U.S. defense commitment to Taiwan, and all these decisions are now being challenged by Washington's policy. ...