Taiwan GDP Per Capita reached 32,756.000 USD in Dec 2022, compared with 33,059.000 USD in Dec 2021.
GDP 760.46 billion GDP Per Capita 32687 USD Real GDP Growth Note: Real GDP Growth (%) | Forecast after 2023 GDP Per Capital (Nominal) Note: Current USD | Forecast after 2023 GDP Per Capita (PPP) Note: PPP | Forecast after 2023
GDP Per Capita in Taiwan reached 32,811.0 USD in Dec 2022. Its Gross Savings Rate was measured at 37.6 % in Dec 2022. For Nominal GDP contributions, Investment accounted for 26.2 % in Dec 2022. Public Consumption accounted for 15.1 % in Dec 2022. Private Consumption accounted for 47....
GDP per capita $25,909 (2019) Currency New Taiwan dollar Taiwan, also Formosa, is an island in East Asia and de facto nation-state. Prior to 2016 its government was one of two to claim to be the sole legitimate government of China, the other being the Communist Party of China. Tod...
Premium Statistic Distribution of GDP across economic sectors in Taiwan 2013-2023 Basic Statistic Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Taiwan 1988-2029 Premium Statistic Disposable income per capita in Taiwan 2013-2023 Basic Statistic Inflation rate in Taiwan 2029 Foreign trade 7 Premiu...
Trade balance % GDP [+]20239.71% Socio-Demography Density [+]2023648 Global Peace Ranking [+]202333º Population [+]202323,320,000 Number of homicides [+]2015192 Rate Homicides per 100.000 [+]20150.82 Energy and Environment CO2 Tons per capita [+]202211.52 ...
Li, Judy
Economic and financial data including Taiwan GDP growth, GDP per capita and more, plus trade and finance sector data.
Industrial sector share in GDP GDP per capita Inflation rate Public infrastructure Number of hospital beds Volume of railway freight traffic Number of fixed broadband subscriptions Employment and earnings Unemployment rate Share of workforce in the service sector Average monthly wage Further...
GDP in Taiwan is estimated to be $1.323 trillion international dollars at the end of 2024. The economy of Taiwan has grown at an average annual growth rate of 1.8% in the last four years and is ranked the 16th largest economy in Asia-Pacific, ahead of United Arab Emirates....