Severing "diplomatic" ties with China's Taiwan region, Nauru recently became the 183rd country to recognize the fact that the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan...
"We hope that Guatemala and the very few other countries will come to recognize where the trend leads and make the right decision soon," he added.■
He added that the relationship is not dependent on the U.S. “It's not because the U.S. is asking Paraguay to keep relations with Taiwan.” China requires it diplomatic allies to recognize its claim that Taiwan is a part of China. Taiwan and China spli...
Has External Recognition by Other Countries Somewhat. Since China claims Taiwan as its province, the international community does not want to contradict China on this matter. Thus, Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations. Only about 25 countries recognize Taiwan as an independent country. Du...
Commenting on the release of the guidelines, Chen Binhua, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, pointed out that it is a common practice for countries around the world to use criminal justice measures to punish criminals who conduct secession and safeguard the core intere...
Washington must understand that the Taiwan question is the most sensitive issue in Sino-US relations, and maintaining peace and stability in the Straits is vital to the common interests of both countries. Although committed to peaceful reunification, China will not sit idle by while pro-independence...
countries in the world have reaffirmed their position of upholding the One-China Policy. The US Government has also reasserted its adherence to the One-China Policy and its commitment to the "Three Non-supports" for Taiwan. Finally, the Taiwan authorities have been compelled to ...
With Taiwan’s ECFA agreement with China, these countries may eye the island as a doorway into the Chinese marketplace. Taiwanese people should recognize that their ancient Austronesian heritage can offer something to the world that China cannot duplicate of replace, and can inspire international ...
More contentious is Taiwan. Though it has existed as an independent entity for decades, the Chinese government considers it a rogue province and has threatened military force if it formally declares independence. China also refuses diplomatic relations with countries that recognize the T...
In 2017, the high court of Taiwan ruled that same-sex marriages are constitutional and set a deadline of two years for parliament to recognize its ruling with same-sex marriage legislation. Due to the religious and conservative nature of many Asian countries, bills to legalize gay marriage have...