Alternatively 怹 can be used. The translation on the Netflix series, understandably maybe, gives up on trying to show where the humour is:–Hey, do you know what I-Ching is?–I only know its mother.–Who is it?–It’s I-Ching as in an LCD screen. It brought me back to my days...
● → 1. Taiwan, prime suspect of persecutions 2. attn Taiwan for political persecution 3. brief intro to Taiwan 4. see Taiwan in cartoons ●♣ In the court of public opinion ~ top rankings on the net ★ pic.: No. 1 "high tech mind control" on Yandex of Russia , 2025-2-28...
Taiwanese phrase: Pretence of diffidence when you really can’t help yourself -「愛甲給細二」/「愛食假細膩」 ài chia̍h ké sè-jī Posted onJuly 17, 2016 When I asked what a 「莊腳面」 looks like… Posted onApril 28, 2016
"The DPP can collude with social media such as PTT, Facebook, print media, electronic media, and TV programs".★ South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), 1-3-2021: Taiwan’s ban on books, TV shows ‘the work of the thought police’, co-founder...
植物燈diy 植物燈露天 led植物燈特力屋 植物燈ptt 小型植物燈 全光譜植物燈 led植物燈教學 多肉植物燈diy 植物燈蝦皮 檯燈型led植物燈 注意事項: (1)LED建議設置數量:約5~15cm安裝一顆燈泡,例如照射面積為60cm x 120cm,建議安裝10~20顆LED燈泡;或每平方米安裝20~40顆LED植物燈泡。(請依自己栽培之需求,自行衡...
時代力量「We are Taiwan」護照封面設計大賽 時代力量表示,此次的護照設計比賽,分為國際規範組及創意組兩組。國際規範組必須符合國際護照設計規範。 比賽於四月三十日正式公告比賽辦法後,預定於五月二十日 開始收件,最後也將透過評審專家評選和網路投票,選出得獎作品,總獎金十二萬元。歡迎各界踴躍參與。
the pages: intro travel food Taiwan economy diplomatic Taiwan military human right in TW soft power identity women education medical personality judiciary white terror the site: home brief Taiwan TW democracy tour love personality medical CovID-19 diplomacy restaurants night-markets pres. women speech ...
2 @EragonJ/Rapidly This helper can help you set your API routes/actions rapidly based on Express.js 2 @EragonJ/beethoven 2 @EragonJ/Kaku-app This is the core repo for Kaku's mobile app 2 @EragonJ/country-info This is a library that helps to get general country information 2 @...
“The ideal plan is to realize the proposal within this year if we can gain support from the local government,” said Cheng. Details of the plan, circulated by a user on Taiwan’s popular PTT online bulletin board, outlined a “Taiwan Romantic Boulevard” sightseeing route with four zones ...
“The ideal plan is to realize the proposal within this year if we can gain support from the local government,” said Cheng. Details of the plan, circulated by a user on Taiwan’s popular PTT online bulletin board, outlined a “Taiwan Romantic Boulevard” sightseeing route with four zones ...