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arg4 indicates the device name, for example, NetCard or TransformCard. arg5 indicates the supplementary information about the alarm, for example, Error Code. arg6 indicates the error code of the alarm, for example, (7168) or (7177). - 0x080000BD arg1 is replaced from SN(arg2) to ...
arg4 indicates the device name, for example, NetCard or TransformCard. arg5 indicates the supplementary information about the alarm, for example, Error Code. arg6 indicates the error code of the alarm, for example, (7168) or (7177). - 0x080000BD arg1 is replaced from SN(arg2) to ...
arg4 indicates the device name, for example, NetCard or TransformCard. arg5 indicates the supplementary information about the alarm, for example, Error Code. arg6 indicates the error code of the alarm, for example, (7168) or (7177). - 0x080000BD arg1 is replaced from SN(arg2) to ...
arg4 indicates the device name, for example, NetCard or TransformCard. arg5 indicates the supplementary information about the alarm, for example, Error Code. arg6 indicates the error code of the alarm, for example, (7168) or (7177). - 0x080000BD arg1 is replaced from SN(arg2) to ...