对于一些特殊的子元素,比如选择第几个元素:nth-child,我们通过[&:nth-child(n)]前缀: {{ item }} 父级修饰符 还有一些子元素的样式依赖于父级元素,我们通过给父级元素标记group类名,并且使用group-*的修饰符来标记目标元素,比如下面的例子: ChitChatYou have a new message! group修饰符 除了group-hover,还...
Tailwindcss Nth Child Variants Plugin This repository is a plug in for Tailwindcss Installation Install the plugin via npm: npm install tailwindcss-nth-child tailwind.config.js Create an instance like this. const Nth = require('tailwindcss-nth-child'); const plugin = new Nth('<nth-value>...
Arbitrary variants are just format strings that represent the selector, wrapped in square brackets. For example, this arbitrary modifier selects an element only when it is the third child: 可以使用 [] 定义任意的选择器{item} Arbitrary variants can be stacked with built-in modifiers or with each...
使用修饰符 {item}// 设置第三个子元素的样式{item}// 设置lg 下 第三个子元素鼠标移入时样式// 设置所有p标签的marig top值// 使用预定义变量 content-auto
nth-child(5){left:65%;width:20px;height:20px;animation-delay:0s;}.circles li:nth-child(6){left:75%;width:110px;height:110px;animation-delay:3s;}.circles li:nth-child(7){left:35%;width:150px;height:150px;animation-delay:7s;}.circles li:nth-child(8){left:50%;width:25px;height...
.dot i:nth-child(4) { bottom: 0; left: 0; animation-delay: 1.2s; } @keyframes antRotate { to { transform: rotate(405deg); } .dot i:nth-child(1) { top: 0; left: 0; } .dot i:nth-child(2) { top: 0; right: 0; animation-delay: 0.4s; } .dot i:nth-child(3) { r...
如何在TailwindCSS中组合nth-child和hover?问题描述 投票:0回答:0javascript html css reactjs tailwind-css 最新问题使用php将PDF表格解析为csv 如何获取具有所属组最大值的行? [重复] 如何在XML中只获取特定节点及其属性的信息 如何在我的 React Native Expo 项目上设置 Firebase 分析? codeigniter 图像未移动到...