<div class="p-4">4px padding</div> <div class="px-8 py-4">8px horizontal padding and 4px vertical padding</div> <div class="m-2">2px margin</div> <div class="mx-4 my-6">4px horizontal margin and 6px vertical margin</div> <div class="mt-8">Only top margin of 8px</di...
horizontal-alignment: of child elements in the parent container (left, center, or right) vertical-alignment: of child elements in the parent container (top, middle, bottom) axis: x or y the child elements are layed out along. Grid (x & y) horizontal-alignment: of child elements within th...
Pinterest says: “All creatives must have the same aspect ratio of 1:1 (square) or 2:3 (vertical). We recommend making your secondary creatives with a 1:1 aspect ratio to best control how they appear in people’s feeds. If the creative is not 1:1, the cropping will occur at the ...
Text Alignment: text-left, text-center, text-right. Margin: m-{margin}, ml-{leftMargin}, mr-{rightMargin}, mt-{topMargin}, mb-{bottomMargin}, mx-{horizontalMargin}, my-{verticalMargin}. Padding: p-{padding}, pl-{leftPadding}, pr-{rightPadding}, pt-{topPadding}, pb-{bottomPadding...
space-y-*This class with a valid value like space-y-0, space-y-0.5, space-y-1, space-y-1.5, etc. can be used to add vertical space between child elements. space-x-pxThis class is used to add 1px horizontal space between child elements. ...
Grid layout shines in scenarios where you need to create complex page layouts. It’s ideal for designing layouts like magazine-style interfaces, image galleries, and product grids in e-commerce websites. These use-cases benefit from the grid’s ability to handle both vertical and horizontal alig...
This will align all flex items along both the horizontal and vertical axes to the center of the container. Conclusion Using Tailwind's flexbox utility classes, it is straightforward to align items to the center of a container. Simply add the flex class to the container element, and use the...
In this example, we show Tailwind CSS classes for resizing elements, managing scroll behavior, and controlling text selection. We show how to apply vertical and horizontal resizing, handle scrolling with performance optimizations, and control whether text can be selected or not. ...
Text Alignment:text-left,text-center,text-right. Margin:m-{margin},ml-{leftMargin},mr-{rightMargin},mt-{topMargin},mb-{bottomMargin},mx-{horizontalMargin},my-{verticalMargin}. Padding:p-{padding},pl-{leftPadding},pr-{rightPadding},pt-{topPadding},pb-{bottomPadding},px-{horizontalPadding...
Note that unlike containers you might have used in other frameworks,Tailwind’s container does not center itself automatically and does not have any built-in horizontal padding. 请注意,与您可能在其他框架中使用的容器不同,Tailwind的容器不会自动居中,也没有任何内置的水平填充 ...