Customers Table with Horizontal Scroll - Tailwind CSS A responsive table with horizontal scroll showing customers made with Tailwind CSS. Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Tailwind version:2.0.0+ Author Rob Stinson September 18, 2020 Links demo and...
案例:table表格布局 使用table、table-row、table-cell、table- title、table-column、table-column-group、table-header-group、table-row-group和table-foot -group实用工具创建行为类似于各自表元素的元素。 <scriptsetup> </script> <template> <!--表格--> <divclass="tablew-full"> <!--表头--> <divcl...
Tailwind Overflow Class Table ClassProperties overflow-autooverflow: auto; overflow-hiddenoverflow: hidden; overflow-visibleoverflow: visible; overflow-scrolloverflow: scroll; overflow-x-autooverflow-x: auto; overflow-y-autooverflow-y: auto; overflow-x-hiddenoverflow-x: hidden; ...
tailwindcss-table tailwind-table drehimself •0.4.0•6 years ago•0dependents•MITpublished version0.4.0,6 years ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 1,452 tailwind-accent-color Tailwind plugin to create accent color classes tailwind tailwindcss ...
Tailwind CSS Pricing Table To show customers multiple premium plans with different features and prices, you can use Tailwind CSS to create a pricing table. Image Source To create the “Intro” section of the pricing table like the one shown above, you can use the following code:...
.github integrations jest nesting perf scripts src standalone-cli stubs tests types .editorconfig .eslintignore .eslintrc.json .gitignore .swcrc LICENSE base.css colors.d.ts colors.js components.css defaultConfig.d.ts ...
Simple server status table: Empty states Basic, Empty states List, Empty states Minimal: Clone WhatsApp Android UI - status Tab: Fancy...
Added additional display utilities for table elements Added box-sizing utilities Added clear utilities Config file dependencies are now watchable Added new plugin and plugin.withOptions APIs Changed Allow plugins to extend the user's config 1.2.0-canary.8 - 2020-02-05 Added Add additional fixed-...
Where do I find the split and crop slice tools? What is the best way to use Instagram photo split tools to enhance your feed? The Ultimate Guide to Adding Alt Text on Facebook: Boost Accessibility, SEO, and Engagement Enhance accessibility, SEO, and engagement on Facebook by mastering alt...
"object-contain w-full h-full drop-shadow-[0_5px_5px_rgba(0,0,0,0.5)]"...