🚀 一步步教你:ReactJS、TailwindCSS 与 Appwrite 构建 AI 聊天系统共计16条视频,包括:01 - Introduction、02 - Project overview、03 - Porject initial等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
步骤7: 运行 React 应用 最后,启动您的 React 应用以查看集成效果: 代码语言:shell 复制 npmstart 在浏览器中访问 http://localhost:3000,您应该看到应用了 Tailwind CSS 样式的 React 应用。 结论 将Tailwind CSS 与 React.js 集成为一种强大的组合,用于高效和响应式的 Web 开发。通过遵循这些步骤,您可以快速...
create-react-js-tailwind is an NPX script that scaffolds a React project with Vite and Tailwind CSS. It generates a complete boilerplate with configurations for ESLint, PostCSS, and TailwindCSS, providing you with a modern development setup out of the box.Features...
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules. Currently, two official plugins are available: - [@vitejs/plugin-react](https://github.com/vitejs/vite-plugin-react/blob/main/packages/plugin-react/README.md) uses [Babel](https://babeljs...
$ npx create-react-app project-name $cdproject-name 第2 步:安装 tailwind 依赖 # Using npm$ npm install tailwindcss --save-dev# Using Yarn$ yarn add tailwindcss --dev 第3 步:设置 PostCSS 和 Autoprefixer 运行下面的命令去创建tailwind.js文件,这是tailwind的默认配置文件。
I setup a React project with Vite. I also installed TailwindCSS successfully with no errors in the terminal. I followed all documentation instructions but on trying to use the Tailwind classes from the doc examples, none are working. My final rendered HTML don't reflect the styles I...
The main issue with the setup is that tailwind version 3 depends on the latest react-scripts version with native support for postCSS to compile tailwind without using extra tool like craco. You just have to change the version of react-scripts in package.json to "5.0.0-next.58" and reinstal...
这里只针对Vue里使用Tailwind CSS来说明,因为React里写CSS确实没有太统一又简便的解决方案,想用什么都可以。 首先说Tailwind CSS确实是个好东西,没有必要质疑大佬写出来的东西(我是菜鸡),每一个类名代表一个样式,这样就不会产生样式覆盖以及权重不够的问题,并且当项目足够大时,所构建的css包也是非常小的,同时在生...
Enter the directory to create the project in (leave blank to use current directory): /path/to/project This will create a new React project with Vite and Tailwind CSS in the specified directory. Features Automates the setup of React with Vite and Tailwind CSS. Configures tailwind.config.js ...
A CLI tool to create a React project with Vite and Tailwind CSS setup. Latest version: 1.0.4, last published: 7 months ago. Start using vite-tailwind-react-setup in your project by running `npm i vite-tailwind-react-setup`. There is 1 other project in th