Use these Tailwind CSS input group components to create things like search bars with buttons, credit card forms, and other form inputs with combined input and label elements. These components are designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team, and include a variety of different styles and layouts...
Search Input with integrated Icon and Button: Fortnite button: Minecraft button: Buttons: ...
Tailwind CSS Search Bar To enable users to search your application based on a keyword, you can use Tailwind to create a search bar. Image Source To create a search bar with an icon and Submit button like the one shown above, you can use the following code: <div c...
<input className="placeholder-gray-300 h-12 rounded-full px-5 ring-gray-300 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-gray-200" <section className=" w-full flex flex-col items-center justify-around gap-3 py-5 "> <form action={action} className="flex flex-col w-full gap-3"> <FormInput type="ema...
datepickerfile inputform templatesinput grouplogin formregistration formsearchselecttextareatimepickerborder opacityborderscenter grid itemsdark themedisplay flexiconspositionspacing Generators and builders: Form drag & dropTypographySVG iconInstagram Filtersbuttoncardtableflexboxlogogridfooter ...
Along with replacing the classes for the menu list, the function also changes the icon for the toggler button.By default, we will show a three-horizontal line menu icon. Once the drop-down menu is visible, we will show a cross icon. The toggleMenu() function is attached to the onclick...
This component inspired byReact-selectis a select input made withTailwindcssandReact. Features ✅Select field for a single item ✅Selection field for multiple items ✅Optional button to clear the field ✅Optional search for an item
Get started with a collection of input fields built with Tailwind CSS to start accepting data from the user based on multiple sizes, variants, and input types
Search results tailwind-material-colors TailwindCSS Plugin to use the Material 3 Color System with Tailwind tailwind colors color material design material dynamic color javierm42 •3.2.2•3 months ago•0dependents•MITpublished version3.2.2,3 months ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT...
Tailwind CSS & Alpine.js Show / Hide Password Vojislav 3.0 Shadcn UI Message Box Component for Dark Mode - Horizon AI Boilerplate vldmihalache 3.3 Search results JJDsign 2.0 Input field with label imchandresh 1.2 Search Input with integrated Icon and Button Cricksu 1.2 See more components ...