To start using Rewind-UI components just add the following import statement to the top of your React component: import{Button}from'@rewind-ui/core'; Then, you can use the component in your JSX code: <Button>Click Me</Button> Properties ...
Greenhouse React UI The react component library with Tailwind and a gorgeous design system to help you build awesome react projects. 🎯 Mission Build a light weight accessible component library ready to be used out of the box for building your next awesome react project. 🚀 Usage Install npm...
component-library flowbite flowbite-qwik qwik qwikjs tailwind tailwindcss xqwikerx •0.38.2•17 days ago•0dependents•MITpublished version0.38.2,17 days ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 1,787 tailwind-merge Merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts ...
A modern date range picker component for React using Tailwind 3 and dayjs. Alternative to Litepie Datepicker which uses Vuejs. Contents Features Documentation Installation Simple Usage Theming Options Playground Contributing Features ✅ Theming options ...
import React from "react" import { Button } from "roft-ui" import "roft-ui/dist/roft-ui.min.css" class Page extends React.Component { render(){ return ( <Button type="primary">黄瓜ui</Button> ) } } 2 .按需引入 import Button from 'roft-ui/lib/button'; import 'roft-ui/li...
Tailwind 非常庞大,作者相信从 CSS 到 Tailwind 的影响比从 JS/TS 到 React 还要大。所以不可避免地,会有很多思想领袖和开发者来淡化这篇文章中提到的许多问题。 这里没有什么新鲜事。当CSS-in-JS出现时,我们遇到了类似的情况,在一开始,开发者注意到它正在复制 CSS 足迹,并在某种程度上违背了缓存和失效的概念...
The Alpine.js answer to jQuery core is a declarative way to bind data to the DOM using thex-bindattribute binding directive. It can be used to bind any attribute to reactive data on the Alpine.js component. Alpine.js, like its declarative view library contemporaries (...
react-jsonschema-form 5.0.0beta2– “A simple React component capable of using JSON Schema to declaratively build and customize web forms.” React Select 5.4.0– “A flexible and beautiful Select Input control for ReactJS with multiselect, autocomplete, async and creatable support.” ...
Kickstart your Tailwind CSS web project using the TailGrids UI component library. Unlock a suite of all essential UI components for the seamless creation of data-rich dashboards, e-commerce interfaces, web apps, high-converting landing pages, and more – all without the hassle of coding or ...
Let’s start with implementing the Product component. This component will be a card component that shows information about the product. Create src/components/Product.js with the following content: function Product ({product: {title, price, description, category, image}}) { return ( {title...