Describe your issue I changed my tailwind.config.js to tailwind.config.ts, after which Tailwind ceased to emit css for classes that I used. Only the base css (reset) was emitted. Changing back to tailwind.config.js made it compile correctly again. There were no error messages. Here is my...
A step-by-step guide on how to solve the issue where your tailwind cSS classes don't work in Vanilla HTML & CSS or React.js projects.
Utilities for setting the maximum width of an element Class Properties .max-w-nonemax-width: none; .max-w-xsmax-width: 20rem; .max-w-smmax-width: 24rem; .max-w-mdmax-width: 28rem; .max-w-lgmax-width: 32rem; .max-w-xlmax-width: 36rem; ...
max-w-md sets the maximum width on smaller screens. On medium and large screens, sm:max-w-lg and lg:max-w-2xl increase the card's width for a better fit. sm:flexadjusts the layout to display the image and text side by side on medium screens and larger. sm:items-center centers ...
New max-w-{screen} utilities Added max-w-none utility Added "Inter" to the default sans-serif font stack Add rounded-md utility Add shadow-sm utility Added stroke-width utilities Added additional display utilities for table elements Added box-sizing utilities Added clear utilities Config file dep...
如果您只是想让 max-width 小一点,这样内容就不会挤满屏幕的边缘,您可能只想 添加一些 padding 。这将向容器内部添加水平填充。您还可以将容器配置为 居中。设置较小的 max-width 并不会阻止内容到达边缘,它只是让它以较小的宽度到达边缘。 但是,如果您确实希望 max-width 更小,您还可以使用容器配置自定义屏幕...
Added border width variables Linked style colors with variables 26 Jun 2023 Added Variables of Colors, Spacing, Opacity, Max Width, Border Radius, Font Size and Skew 28 Mar 2023 Added new 950 shade colors 20 Dec 2021 Added Spacing Scales Added Forms Plugin ...
Added max-w-none utility Added "Inter" to the default sans-serif font stack Add rounded-md utility Add shadow-sm utility Added stroke-width utilities Added additional display utilities for table elements Added box-sizing utilities Added clear utilities Config file dependencies are now watchable Allow...
max-2xl @media not all and (min-width: 1536px) max-[…] 自定义@media (max-width: …) portrait 竖屏,@media (orientation: portrait) landscape 横屏 dark @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) motion-reduce 一个CSS媒体查询,它可以用来检测用户是否在设备上启用了减少非必要动画或运动的设置 ...
为了使网站响应,我们需要使用媒体查询,即 '@media’ 沿着与min-width或max-width参数。但是当我们使用Tailwind CSS的力量来帮助我们进行响应式设计时,我们不想写媒体查询,Tailwind为我们做了这件事。 There 5 Breakpoints available by default 默认情况下有5个断点可用 ...