adapts to any design, and the build size is tiny. container:标记为容器 mx-auto:x 轴方向(横向)上,外边距(margin)自动 外边距:m?-[number] m?:m-Margin、mt-MarginTop、ml-MarginLeft、mr-MarginRight、mb-MarginBottom number=number * 0.25rem=number * 4px 如:m-2 意思为 margin: 0.5rem ...
对于一些 css 通用名称,tailwindcss提供了统一的规范。例如left, right, top, bottom,分别对应l, r, t, b。left-right 对应 x, top-bottom 对应 y所以产生了下面的类名: ml-[2px]->margin-left: 2px; mr-[2px]->margin-right: 2px; mx-[2px]->margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; pt-2...
默认情况下, 针对 margin 功能类,只生成 responsive 变体。 您可以通过修改您的 tailwind.config.js 文件中的 variants 部分中的 margin 属性来控制为 margin 功能生成哪些变体。 例如,这个配置也将生成 hover and focus 变体: // tailwind.config.js module.exports = { variants: { extend: { // ... + ...
number=number* 0.25rem=number* 4px 如:m-2意思为margin: 0.5rem Margin 2 Margin Left 2 Margin Right 2 Margin Top 2 Margin Bottom 2 Margin 20px Margin 2 Margin Left 2 Margin Right
adapts to any design, and the build size is tiny. container:标记为容器 mx-auto:x 轴方向(横向)上,外边距(margin)自动 外边距:m?-[number] m?:m-Margin、mt-MarginTop、ml-MarginLeft、mr-MarginRight、mb-MarginBottom number=number* 0.25rem=number...
具备类似写法的有:margin / padding / width / height / space-x|y / top / right / bottom / ...
Tailwind CSS - Margin Tailwind CSS - Space Between Tailwind CSS - Sizing Tailwind CSS - Width Tailwind CSS - Min-Width Tailwind CSS - Max-Width Tailwind CSS - Height Tailwind CSS - Min-Height Tailwind CSS - Max-Height Tailwind CSS - Size Tailwind CSS - Typography Tailwind CSS - Font Famil...
-m-52 margin: -13rem; -m-56 margin: -14rem; -m-60 margin: -15rem; -m-64 margin: -16rem; -m-72 margin: -18rem; -m-80 margin: -20rem; -m-96 margin: -24rem; mx-0 margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; mx-px margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 1px; mx-0.5 margin-lef...
m-{size}: Applies margin on all sides. p-{size}: Applies padding on all sides. mx-{size}: Applies margin on the left and right. py-{size}: Applies padding on the top and bottom. Example: Content with margin and padding Tailwind Typography Classes ...
We've added new logical property utilities forinset,margin,padding,border-radius,scroll-margin, andscroll-padding. Here's a full list of all of the new utilities we've added and what they map to: These should save you a ton of code if you regularly build sites that need to support both...