Landing Pages Use these Tailwind CSS landing page examples as a starting point for your product website. These landing pages are designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team, and include a variety of different styles and layouts. Marketing /Page Examples ...
Get started with a free and open-source landing page built with Tailwind CSS and the Flowbite component library.
Simple Light is a free landing page template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React / Next.js. Made by - GitHub - cruip/tailwind-landing-page-template: Simple Light is a free landing page template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully code
该项目是基于 TailwindCSS、React 和 Next.js 构建的落地页模板,它界面美观、代码简单、设计在线,适用于快速制作公司主页、活动落地页等。 收录于: 第97 期 标签: TypeScript 评论 没用过 用过 评分: 发布 暂无精选评论立即登录 微信扫码赞助本站 服务器还剩291天 +1年 : 推荐项目 换一换 metersphere 11.7k...
Simple Light is a free landing page template built on top of TailwindCSS and fully coded in React / Next.js. Made by - tailwind-landing-page-template/app/layout.tsx at main · weiplanet/tailwind-landing-page-template
Start working with RS Tech Solutions that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect. Ishant Sehrawat C.E.O. "Dreams are achieved by the actions you take today, Not the plans you make for Tomorrow." ...
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tailwind-landing-page-nuxt是一个基于Nuxt.js框架和Tailwind CSS设计的现代化网页模板。它具有响应式布局和精美的视觉效果,适用于各种设备和屏幕尺寸。该模板提供了丰富的组件和页面布局,包括主页、产品展示、团队介绍等,使开发者能够快速搭建出专业、时尚的网页。同时,它还集成了许多常用的功能和插件,如表单验证、动画...
JobBoard A trendy job board template to kick-start your jobs directory business. Available in HTML Available in Next.js Available in Vue Available in Figma Live Demo Cube A fabulous landing page template for quickly iterating on ideas, startups and software. ...
Landwind - Tailwind CSS Landing Page Design file • 109 • 4.3k users Open in FigmaAbout Comments 0 Get started with a free and open source landing page template in Figma built for integration with Tailwind CSS featuring a responsive layout, hero section, pricing cards, FAQ section, footer...