我没有看到TailwindCSS对我的react-Django代码产生影响。我按照https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation的步骤进行了操作。 首先,需要确认是否已经安装了Tailwind CSS。可以通过以下命令进行确认: npm list tailwindcss 如果没有安装,则需要按照官网的安装步骤进行安装。 接着,在React项目的根目录下,新建一个名为...
To install Tailwind CSS in React, create a new project withCreate React Appwith thenpx create-react-app react-tailwindcommand. Next, change your working directory to your project folder and install Tailwind CSS and its peer dependencies with the command below: cdreact-tailwind npm install-D tail...
Note: Catalyst is in development preview and relies on a development build of Headless UI. When installing @headlessui/react, be sure to use the next tag. Basic Catalyst usage example You can import Catalyst components like any other React component into your React project. Here’s an example...
npm i tailwind-rn@3.0.1
Flowbite React is an open-source set of interactive React components based on the Tailwind CSS utility-first framework featuring interactive elements such as modals, navbars, dropdowns, carousels, and more. Install Flowbite react by running the following command in your terminal: ...
Go to full documentationInstallation⚠️ React Tailwindcss Datepicker uses Tailwind CSS 3 (with the @tailwindcss/forms plugin) & Dayjs under the hood to work.Install via npmnpm install react-tailwind-dila-datepicker Install via yarnyarn add react-tailwind-dila-datepicker ...
Do you like usingTailwind CSSto style your apps? This helps you do that inReact Native. NativeWind isnota component library, it's a styling library. If you're looking for component libraries that support NativeWind,see below. NativeWind makes sure you're using the best style engine for ...
Installation npm install tailwind-merge react-tailwind-variants Usage Basics Boolean variants Compound variants Default variants Polymorphic components Composing components Utilities variants(config) variantProps(config) extractVariantsConfig(component) Typescript utilities ...