button,[type='button'],[type='reset'],[type='submit'] {-webkit-appearance: button;/*1*/background-color: transparent;/*2*/background-image: none;/*2*/} 改成了: button,input:where([type='button']),input:where([type='reset']),input:where([type='submit']) {-webkit-appearance: ...
创建CSS: npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./src/output.css --watch 现在,当你在浏览器中打开 index.html 时,你应该会看到一个粗体的大标题,上面写着Welcome to Tailwind CSS! 恭喜您,您已经建立了第一个 Tailwind 项目! Tailwind CSS Utility 类 Tailwind CSS 提供了大量实用类,涵盖了样式设计的...
Input with add-on PreviewGet the code →Input with inline add-on PreviewGet the code →Input with inline leading and trailing add-ons PreviewGet the code →Input with inline leading dropdown PreviewGet the code →Input with leading icon and trailing button PreviewGet the code →Inputs with ...
Note that Tailwind’s border reset is not applied to file input buttons. This means that to add a border to a file input button, you need to explicitly set the border-style using a class like alongside any border-width utility:file:border-solid @tailwind base;中对于边框的样式重置不会影响 ...
<button>自定义button默认样式</button> 我们可以通过这中方式约定所有的基础样式,button, input 等都非常需要这样的约定。 当然,我们也可以通过类似的方式往 components 中新增样式。例如我希望新增一个 card 组件,用于表示一个区域的容器,那么我就可以这样写 ...
</button> <!-- Button with hover state --> <button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded"> Click me </button> 在这个例子中,hover:bg-blue-700 是一个状态变体,它指定了按钮在鼠标悬停时的背景颜色。Tailwind CSS 还支持其他状态变体,如 focus:outlin...
demo 项目中,我们可以轻量的这样使用,用于设置一些单一元素的组件一样,例如 button、input 等,这...
<button type="submit">提交</button> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} className="mt-4 flex flex-col gap-4"> <div className="w-[270px]"> <span>体彩:</span> <input className="ml-2" type="number" {...register('tiCai', { required: true })} /> </div> <div className="...
<input class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-gray-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline" id="password" type="password" placeholder="Password" required> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <button type="submit" class="bg-blue-500 text-white py-...
<button class="bg-indigo-500 shadow-lg shadow-indigo-500/50 ...">Subscribe</button> 可以得到如下的效果: 滚动捕捉 API 我们加入了一个完善的用于实现 CSS 滚动捕捉模块的辅助类集合,使得你可以直接在 HTML 里面实现非常丰富的滚动捕捉的效果: