Tailwind CSS - Transition & Animation - Tailwind CSS Transition and Animation are important utility classes which are used to apply different transitional effects and animations on an element. This classes helps to make the element attractive and effecti
Tailwind CSS - Configuration - Tailwind CSS Configuration allows to easily customize the framework as per the project needs by defining various aspects of the framework, such as theme, colors, screen, plugin, etc., using the 'tailwind.config.js' file.
Click (7)动画类与关键帧 animate-[property]:property 取值如下: none:animation: none; spin:旋转 animate: spin 1s linear infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } ping:扩散 animation: ping 1s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) infini...
A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos. - Lychee/tailwind.config.ts at master · LycheeOrg/Lychee
animation: fade var(--animation-timing) var(--animation-easing); } @keyframes fade { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } <!-- 使用 will-change 优化动画性能 --> <!-- 内容 --> <!-- 使用 CSS transforms 替代位置属性 --> .slide-enter { transform...
📷 Image zoom - zoom in on images in blog posts 📝 Code syntax highlighting - using Shiki 🎨 Animation - using Framer Motion 🏠 LightHouse score of nearly 100 🧪 Vitest - unit and integration tests 🎭 Playwright - end-to-end tests 🔨 Husky & Lint Staged - lint and format ...
Background Image Gradient Color Stops Borders Border Radius Border Width Border Color Border Style Divide Width Divide Color Divide Style Outline Width Outline Color Outline Style Outline Offset Ring Width Ring Color Ring Offset Width Ring Offset Color Effects Box Shadow Box Shadow Color Opacity Mix ...
Ensure repeating-conic-gradient is detected as an image (#11180) Move unknown pseudo-elements outside of :is by default (#11345) Escape animation names when prefixes contain special characters (#11470) Don't prefix arbitrary classes in group and peer variants (#11454) Sort classes using posit...
Copy the Code. That's all you need! Simply add theAlpine&Tailwindlibrary to your page, paste in the element, and boom 🔮 Inspiration As we design and develop websites, it is essential to recognize the contributions of those who came before us. We stand on the shoulders of giants, lear...