这里的问题是你将hover:text-white应用到div而不是按钮上。你只需要移动class to the button。
我正在开发一个Windows8.1应用程序。我有一个SettingsFlyout (),SettingsFlyout的内容是一个带有ListView和Button的网格 <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="15*" /> <RowDefinition Height="1*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <ListView> 浏览3提问于2014-08-06得票数 1 回答已采纳 6回答...
这里的问题是你将hover:text-white应用到div而不是按钮上。你只需要移动class to the button。
顺风grid_template_columns 如何在Tailwind中设置单独的列宽?例如,在普通的CSS中,我会 .grid-container { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 20% 80%; } 1 2 但是,在Tailwind中,如果将宽度应用于列,则会破坏网格。 浏览1提问于2021-03-10得票数 3 1回答 页面的基本布局 我是Vue.js的新手。我...
Further you can see my answer here How to dynamically populate tailwindcss grid-cols-x property? Share Improve this answer Follow answered May 31, 2022 at 7:43 MagnusEffect 3,84311 gold badge2222 silver badges5757 bronze badges Add a comment 0 It is working with style: Share Im...
尝试在tailwind.js.js中手动添加shadow属性,就像extend中的这样:boxShadow:{ dark:“8 px 6px 24 ...
I am using next.js (2-28-2023) and have this issue, could not git the grid to work - until I only change the tailwidcss.config.js file to what you had and BAM1 works... I could not find anything online on this nor on tailwndcss website... module.exports = { mode: 'jit...
However, despite trying various approaches, I can't seem to get the image to stick properly. Deploy faster
CSS Grid support Added max-w-{screen} utilities Added max-w-none utility Added rounded-md utility Added shadow-sm utility Added shadow-xs utility Added stroke-width utilities Added fixed line-height utilities Added additional display utilities for table elements Added box-sizing utilities Added clear...
supports-[...] 特性查询,用来判断浏览器是否支持某些 css 特性,例如:@supports (display: grid) { ... }supports-[display:grid]:grid 其他 属性选择器 aria-* 属性选择器 和group 和 peer 配合使用<svg class="group-aria-[sort=ascending]:rotate-0> data-* 属性选择器 open 具有 open 属性的元...