Transform your design workflow and save a ton of time with the Tailwind Font Size Generator plugin for Figma! This intuitive plugin allows you to seamlessly generate font sizes and font styles using the default Tailwind CSS font scale, ensuring your designs stay consistent and aligned with the po...
// Tailwind TSS Generator // Created by César Estrada // // Reset Styles 'Window': { backgroundColor: '#ffffff' } 'ImageView[platform=ios]': { hires: true } 'View': { width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE } '.vertical...
Tailwind CSS uses a defaultfontfamily stack, but similar to colors, you can change these defaults to match your project’s typography style. In thetailwind.config.jsfile, you can extend or replace the default font family. To add custom font families, use the extend property within thefontFami...
@layer base { h1 { font-size: theme("fontSize.2xl"); } h2 { font-size: theme("fontSize.xl"); } } @layer components { .card { background-color: theme("colors.white"); border-radius: theme("borderRadius.lg"); padding: theme("spacing.6"); box-shadow: theme("boxShadow.xl");...
FontSquirrel的WebfontGenerator可以帮助你优化这些资源。 12.5缓存策略缓存策略 利用浏览器缓存可以减少重复加载CSS文件的需要。确保你的CSS文件具有适当的缓存控制头, 如Cache-Control和Expires。 Cache-Control:max-ageimmutable 通过设置Cache-Control头为max-age(一年),你可以指示浏览器长时间缓存 ...
(scss|sass)$/const lessRegex = /\.less$/const stylRegex = /\.styl$/const imageRegex = /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)$/iconst fontRegex = /\.(ttf|woff2?|eot|otf)$/const mediaRegex = /\.(mp4|webm|ogg|mp3|wav|flac|aac)$/const jsonRegex = /\.json$/const getStyleLoaders = (css...
responsive font output if using mobile/desktop in the name of the font. EX: heading-1-desktop + heading-1-mobile. This will also work across folders grabs all available font style values such as size, weight, line height, letter spacing, casing, and family. ...
要知道,我一个会计,看见表格就莫名兴奋,看见自动生成的表格更是如此。Tailwind Grid Generator...
大小font-size 粗细font-weight: bold(4)背景 颜色background-color 图片background-img: url(...)(5)定位positionabsolute 生成绝对定位的元素,相对于static定位意外的第一个父元素进行定位 relative 生成相对定位的元素,相对于其正常位置进行定位(上下移动行内元素最简单...