Use these Tailwind CSS navbar components to help users get around your application with responsive navigation bars featuring search bars, menus, and quick action buttons. These navbars are designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team, and include a variety of different styles and layouts. ...
快速:无运行时,无虚拟DOM,无烦杂的 CSS 代码,状态管理简单轻快。编码过程、编译处理、线上运行都快了起来 组件列表 通用组件(5) 按钮Button 底部浮窗 BottomSheet 图标Icon 遮罩Mask 弹出层 Popup 布局(4) 分割线 Divider 网格Grids 占位符 Placeholder 骨架屏 Skeleton 导航(6) 索引栏 IndexBar 导航栏 NavBar ...
根据需要选择其他的功能插件,例如:Babel, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter。
A simple navbar <body> <nav class="flex justify-between items-center h-28 bg-blue-400 px-20"> <h1>Tailwind Intro</h1> <ul class="flex justify-between items-center w-56"> <a href="#"> <li>Link</li> </a> <a href="#" > <li>Link</li> </a> <a href="#" > <li>...
Made with: HTML, CSS, Tailwind Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge, Firefox Check Demo #7 Simple Navbar Description: A very simple navbar for putting together quick websites and apps by nickjbasile. Features: Responsive: Yes ...
导航栏 NavBar 分页Pagination 步骤条 Steps 标签栏 TabBar 标签页 Tabs 数据输入(11) 动作面板 ActionSheet 异步选择器 AsyncPicker 日历Calendar 复选框 Checkbox 输入框 Input 选择器 Picker 单选框 Radio 评分Rate 滑块Slider 开关Switch 时间选择器 TimePicker ...
分享一个CSS框架,内置了很多css样式: 使用方式:注意其不支持IE浏览器仓库地址:
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin') module.exports = { prefix: 'tw-', plugins: [ plugin(function({ addComponents }) { const components = { // ... '.navbar-inverse a.nav-link': { color: '#fff', } } addComponents(components) }) ] } ...
Visit our collection of Navbar examples that you can add directly to your Tailwind UI project to show a list of navigation links.
Access David UI's free library of Tailwind CSS and React components. Build modern UIs with ease and flexibility.