Your CSS stops growing 您的 CSS 停止增长 Making changes feels safer 进行更改感觉更安全 注释:只影响当前标签 Why not just use inline styles? 为什么不直接使用内联样式? Designing with constraints.有约束的设计。 注释:使用 tailwindcss 的值有一定的范围,并不是可任意定义的 Responsive design 响应式设计 H...
Using responsive utility variants to build adaptive user interfaces. Every utility class in Tailwind can be applied conditionally at different breakpoints, which makes it a piece of cake to build complex responsive interfaces without ever leaving your HTML. ...
Beautifully designed, expertly crafted components and templates, built by the makers of Tailwind CSS. The perfect starting point for your next project. Browse components→Explore templates→ Button A Bookmark 12k Leonard Krasner @leonardkrasner ...
Beautifully designed templates built with Tailwind CSS and fully coded in HTML, React, Next.js, and Vue.
Tailwind CSS: 构建和部署响应式网站 | Tailwind CSS : Build and Deploy Responsive Websites 学习TailwindCSS,轻松快速地设置 HTML 样式。 你将会学到的 TailwindCSS简介 将TailwindCSS 添加到您的项目 设置TailwindCSS配置文件 TailwindCSS 中的响应式设计 ...
Free Vue.js 3.x Tailwind 3.x admin dashboard template with dark mode. Vite builds. Pinia state. Laravel integration available vuejsdashboardvuetailwindtailwindcsstailwind-cssvitevuejs3tailwind-css-templatevitejsvite-templatevitejs-template
const { createPreset } = require('tailwindcss-miniprogram-preset')进行配置,如果您不想要此功能,可以把 rem2rpx 设置为 false presets: [createPreset({ rem2rpx: false})]如果此时需要更加强大,且自定义的 rem2rpx 效果,可以使用 postcss-rem-to-responsive-pixel 它是一个用 ts 写的 postcss plugin...
// postcss.config.jsmodule.exports={plugins:{tailwindcss:{config:'./tailwindcss-config.js'},},} 创建PostCSS 配置文件postcss.config.js 如果您想在生成tailwind.config.js文件的同时也生成一个基础的postcss.config.js文件,请使用-p标志。 npx tailwindcss init -p ...
env.UNI_PLATFORM === 'h5'; const plugins = [require('autoprefixer')(), require('tailwindcss')()]; if (!isH5) { plugins.push( require('postcss-rem-to-responsive-pixel')({ rootValue: 32, propList: ['*'], transformUnit: 'rpx' }) ); plugins.push(require('weapp-tailwindcss-web...
Fully responsive and free to use dashboard templates built with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js Free Pinemix Boost your web projects with beautiful Alpine components, designed with Tailwind CSS Do you want a custom Tailwind CSS design? We can create it for you!