Tailwindcss插件可自定义浏览器滚动条。 安装 # Using npm npm install -D @gradin/tailwindcss-scrollbar # Using Yarn yarn add -D @gradin/tailwindcss-scrollbar 然后将插件添加到tailwind.config.js文件。 module . exports = { theme : { // ... } , plugins : [ require ( '@gradin/tailwindcs...
Tailwind CSS的滚动条插件 为Firefox和基于Webkit的浏览器中的滚动条添加样式实用程序。 安装 yarn add -D tailwind-scrollbar 或者 npm install --save-dev tailwind-scrollbar 将其添加到Tailwind配置的plugins数组中。 plugins : [ // ... require ( 'tailwind-scrollbar' ) , ...
tailwind-scrollbaris a plugin forTailwind CSSthat adds styling utilities for scrollbars with cross-browser support. Motivation There are currently two competing standards for styling scrollbars amongst browsers: thescrollbar-widthandscrollbar-colorproperties used by Firefox and newer Chromium-based browser...
Switch normalize.css to modern-normalize (#2572) Rename whitespace-no-wrap to whitespace-nowrap (#2664) Rename flex-no-wrap to flex-nowrap (#2676) Remove clearfix utility, recommend flow-root instead (#2766) Disable hover and focus for fontWeight utilities by default (f6923b1) Remove grid-...
升级css-loader 到6 5. 合并config/menu和 route/routes,并增加类型约束 6. bug fix (1.Menu在selectKeys在折叠时展开,界面中显示漂浮菜单,行为怪异 2.如果已经折叠, 后续行为(点击菜单), 不再改变状态.(原依据窗体宽度1366修改,不合理 )master (#35) ...
通过组合预定义的class来直接在HTML中构建任何设计。博主以一个卡片UI的例子对Tailwind CSS进行了解释,...
带方括号),您需要启用JIT模式,并确保您在Tailwind 2.1或更高版本上。这将按需编译CSS,这允许您...
我的博客使用了 TailwindCSS,用它制作进度条非常容易 代码语言:javascript 复制 exportdefaultfunctionProgressBar(){constprogress=useReadingProgress()return()} 我在这里使用 transform 和 translate 属性来制作进度条. 进度为 0 向左偏移 100% ,进度为 100 偏移 0,所以使用translateX(${progress - 100}%) 以上...
tailwindcss@2.2.19 Tailwind CSS Horizontal scroll card componentsBy kazuma0129 Horizontal scroll card componentsFork Upvote 41Share Pluralsight Upgrade your team on even the tightest budget Upgrade your team on budget with Pluralsight—expert content & hands-on practice to stay competitive! Try ...